C H A P T E R 39

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I run through the plain hallways looking for the number. 220? No! 215? No! Where's the number? Where's the number? Where's the number? Fuck! Why didn't the nurse tell me where it is?

I groan and rounded the corner. 202! I stop outside the door. I don't know if I'm prepared for what I'm going to find inside. How can anybody ever be prepared for these kind of things.

Shit! Why did I have to be such a bitch. She probably doesn't even want to see me. I put my back against the wall and slid down it bringing my legs to my chest. What if she's not ok? What if she's not going to be ok?

The door to the room opens and a nurse rolling out her cart walk out. She looks down at me, "she's awake if you want to see her darling," I nod my head. The question is does she want to see me?

The nurse walks away back down the hall. It should be River with her in that room not me. I stood up and put on a brave face. Fixing my skirt and running a hand through my hair I walk in ever so slowly.

At first she didn't notice me. I noticed her though. Janes face is black and blue, she sports a single black eye, busted lip, and gash across her forehead. I gasped her her face turned in my direction. I couldn't help but look down as I approached her bed.

She looked up at me as I stood next to her, "Hey," I spoke softly attempting to keep the tears out of my eyes, "I um- I understand if you don't want me here. I can leave," I turned to leave but her hand reached out and grabbed mine.

"Stay," she whispered. I looked at her and nodded my head.

"Jane, what happened?"

She shook her head. I sat in silence with her holding her hand.

          A few hours later River bursted through the door a mad expression on his face. Jane laid in bed fast asleep. I stood up.

"Did she tell you what happened?" I shook my head.

"I didn't want to pry."

River sighed and nodded his head.

"Natalia thank you for coming down here when I couldn't. I've just been so swamped with school and now our parent company," he takes a seat in the chair and I sit on the edge of hospital bed trying my best not to disturb Jane.

"So it true?"

He looked up at me from looking at Jane, "What?"

"They're giving you everything?"

He looked at me with a sincere face, "Father wanted to give you a piece but mother refuses to sighs over her shares. If I ever get them I promise to you give you your 20% that mother has."

I shake my head, "I don't want it River I wouldn't take it," Jane stirred and we looked down at her as her eyes fluttered open.

She smiled at River, "Hey sleeping beauty. I was worried about you."

"I'm sorry to worry you," her smile faltered.

"It's my job to worry Jane. What happened though?" Something flashes in her eyes.

"I fell down the stairs," she's lying.  River gave her an odd glance.

"How did you manage that?" He presses her on the matter.

"I'm just that clumsy I guess."

He didn't believe her but didn't press any more, "Can we get you anything?" At the mention of we her eyes flickered towards me.

"I'd love some strawberry ice cream," she smiled.

River nods his head, "coming right up," he stands up and walks out the room leaving her and I in silence.

"Natalia I'm so so-" I cut her off holding up a hand.

"Don't. Don't bother. I'm just tryna look out for myself here."

she shook her head, "Natalia listen. I've been alone in my life. Nobody but me."

I shook my head, "No Jane you haven't you've had us. You've always had us."

"I know, but-"

I cut her off again, "No. It was my fault, honestly. To think we could be something more. We should just stay friends if even that," I felt horrible for throwing this all on her now. With everything going on, but we have to face it sooner or later.

"I can't move on from something that wasn't supposed to end though. I can't help but feel I made a horrible mistake and I can't make up for that,"

I shook my head as tears lined my eyes, "You don't mean that. I know you don't,"

she nods her head, "I do. I regret it all. It hurts so much knowing I can't take it back," her voice cracks, "I'm so lonely without you."

"Your so much better of without me. I'm toxic. A poison that destroys everything in her path," I sniffle and wipe my nose with the back of my hand.

"No," I continue to shake my head as tears spill down my eyes, "Talia please believe me. I need you you."

"You don't need me. Lust and love are two different things."

"I truly don't want to loose you."

I stand up, "You don't need me," I turned my back and began walking towards the door.

"I think I do need you though. I'm in love with you please don't turn you back on me!" Jane pleaded with me I continue to shake my head.

Turning back towards her I walk back up to the bed and smash my lips into hers. But only for a second. I pull away, "you think Im not capable of love."

"You are capable, because I love you," her hand grabs my cheek and pulls my closet connecting our lips yet again.

When the door opens my brother comes back inside the room with a tub of Strawberry ice cream. I'm sitting on the chair, but get up to give River his spot back.

"I'll be back later. Tell me when you leave, River," I tell him not being able to handle being in a room with both of them.

I needed space. I need to think.

Janes eyes follow me as I leave the room. I could hear her eyes pleading me not to leave, but I had to.

Sorry for the confusion.

Ok,, so. Let's talk about the fact that y'all don't know how to use the word please. 😂💀😭 also I'm being more active on insta story so you know go follow and peep the recent @lovergirl00530 it's the same as my user on here.

Any questions? Comments? Concerns? No. Ok yah I thought so. Have a good life and enjoy this chapter, because I have no clue on what to write the next chapter about.

But after I'm done with this book (not saying I'm going to finish it any time soon) what should I write next? What genre? No bxb tho I don't think I have the mindset being a female and all.

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