C H A P T E R 18

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We arrived at the party thirty minutes late. Natalia briefed us about how we were going to walk in. The queen wanted to piss off her mother and draw attention to herself.

Not that she doesn't already I mean she's stunning. In a platonic way! I shook my head ridding myself of the thoughts. Something I find myself doing quite often around her.

Taking a deep breath Natalia and I walk inside the ballroom side by side as the plan. She stoped at the door entrance while I kept on walking.

Jaleena soon replaced me. I walked past all the turned heads finding my way to River. He didn't notice me standing behind, him due to the fact of him being furious at Natalia. She had strict orders from her mother and disrespected them. He storms off towards the princess and I'm left in the dust of the storming fury.

I look around me. All the pretty faces, extravagant ball gowns, it all screamed money. Something I know little about. I get lost in the crowd of people.  I don't belong here never did. I wasn't brought up in this world of extravagance and affairs. I was allowed to enter.

I remember the day I was allowed like it was yesterday.

I was in eighth grade. River was a freshman, he already had his hard bad boy exterior- the reason I fell for him. I for whatever reason it was, had all the same classes as Natalia.

The bell had run signaling the end of school. I slowly packed my bag dreading going home even at this age. Home wasn't home like others knew it to be.

Natalia had her usual flock of girls surrounding her at all time. She hadn't even known my name before her brother acknowledged me, but before he acknowledged me he of course had to save me.

I was walking home, it was lightly misting. The sky was a dark grey color and every now and then a loud clap of thunder would be heard. Despite the mist I still trudged home slowly.

My black oversized hoodie was sopping wet by the time I got home. Opening my front door I drop my book bag silently by the front door, then peel off the hoodie and let it fall to the floor with a loud smack.

"Jane is that you?!"

"Yes mother."

She comes out from the kitchen, "you look awful look at you! You could have called me for a ride home you know."

I nod my head. Sure I could have, but he wouldn't like that, "it's okay mom."

"Ben,s working late tonight so it's just you and I for dinner tonight." She walked over and picks up my hoodie that is had dis guarded on the ground. 

I wanted to smile at the good news, but knew better. I didn't want to upset her. Instead of saying anything I nod my head and walk down the hall to my room.

My closet sized room wasn't much. Just a twin sized mattress that sat on the floor with pretty pink floral sheets.  The sheets were the nicest thing I owned at the time. My mom had picked them out for me years ago.

Before Ben.

I take a seat on my mattress and pick up one of the library books that sat in a stack next to it. My only escape at the time being my books I read. Little did I know in a few short hours I'd meet a boy who'd turn my entire life around.

Ben got home as mom and I were picking up for dinner as she had said. We had spaghetti and plate had been waiting for him in the microwave. Whenever he walks into the kitchen I wanted nothing more than to escape.

Bad boys sister (gxg) ( UNDER MAJOR CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now