C H A P T E R 16

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"That'll be $100," I pass the lady my black card without even batting an eyes. She then wraps the two corsages in their plastic containers. After handing back my card and the recite I walk out and back to my car. Now to go get Jane.

The fifteen minute drive is chaotic as my mother is starting to wonder where I am and my phone keeps on going off. I eventually throw it on the floor of the passengers seat. At last I pull up to Janes one story house. Cute, I think.

Without honking Janes comes out the house and running up to my car. She hops in the passengers seat head down.

"Hey speedy."

"Hey," she looks at her hands. Her bag now rests at her feet.

I immediately notice the mood is off, "What's wrong?"

She refuses to look me in the eyes, "Nothing."

I shook my head.

"Look at me," I reach over and put my pointer finger under her chin and my thumb on her chin forcing her to look up at me. I gasp. Her lip is busted and swollen, her eye is black and blue, and bruises dot her cheek bones, "Jane what happened?!"

She shakes her head and looks down, "I'm fine."

I start to get heated.

"I would believe you if you didn't have a busted lip! Or for that matter a black eye!" I raise my voice and she flinches.

"It was just a misunderstanding," her voice is barley audible.

"Misunderstanding my ass," I groan, "who did this?"

"Doesn't matter. Can we just go?"

I reluctantly turn on the engine and back out of the driveway and drive off. I can't let anyone see her like this. Especially my brother. I'll tell him, but not today. I drive back to the hotel. I once again hand the valet my keys and Jane follows me close behind.

"What are we doing here?"

"I would rather not be at home to get dressed."

She nods her head.

"Oh here you dropped this in the car," she hands me my phone.

"Thanks," I take this time to dial out Jaleena's phone number.

"Hey, baby," I smile at the sound of her voice.

"Hey babe."

"I miss you!"

"I miss you to baby," we walk into the elevator, "since you miss me so much wanna meet me somewhere?"

"Your not gonna offer to pick me up?"

I frown.

"I can't pick you up babe I'm sorry," she sighs.

"Where am I meeting you at?" I told her the hotels name and we hung with a few I love you's just as we reached the hotel room.

"Go to the bathroom wait for me there," Jane nods her head and abides. I grab a few things from my bag and walk into the bathroom.

Jane sat on the bathroom toilet arms crossed.

"Jane, what happed for real?" She looked up at me as I put the first aid stuff on the counter next to the toilet.

"It was just an accident."

I shook my head. She followed my every move. I sighed. I placed one of my leg in between her legs and bent down to her level.

"You better be glad I took a few medical classes," I cleaned all of her cuts and made sure not to brush over he bruises, "Is it ok if I cover everything up with makeup?" She nods her head. I begin to cover all of the cuts and bruises up gents with makeup and concealer. I also did her eyes shadow adding a pair of eye lashes to try and mask up her semi swollen eyes.

Her busted lip was hard to cover up. The swollen redness is the most difficult to cover up, so I ended up using red lipstick to blend in with the cut. When I finished everything was scattered everywhere and my phone was going haywire on the counter. I looked at her and smiled ignoring the buzzing of my phone.

"There, good as new," I back up and she stood up.

"Thank you. Can you not tell your brother about this?"

I put my head down.

"Jane," I scratch the back of my neck a nervous tick.

"Your phone won't stop buzzing," she didn't let me finish as her attention was drawn to my phone. I nodded and picked it up.

My eyes widened fuck! I forgot about Jaleena, "I will be right back!" Jane only had time to nod her head before I rushed out of the room and down stairs where I met Jaleena.

Her face is red and hot whenever I finally meet up with her, "I've been waiting down here like an idiot for the past thirty minutes."

"I know I know, I'm sorry babes," I shook my head and pulled her outside.

"Are you going to give me an explanation? If not I'm leaving," she turned to leave but I grabbed her by her arm.

"Hey, Hey, here me out!"

"Natalia, say what you have to say and I'll decide whether or not it's worth saying."

I sighed.

"Well I planned this all out in my head, but there was bump in the road."

Her eye brows scrunched up.

"Plan all of what out in your head?"

"That's what I'm trying to explain," people walked in and out of the hotel and we stood off to the side, "my mothers ball is tonight and I was planning on asking you to be my date," her eyes widened.


"Yah, oh, I bet you don't even wanna go with me n-" she cut me off mid sentence by throwing her arms around my neck and giving me a hug.

"Of course I wanna go with you!" I hugged her back.

"Great! I rented a room, bought you a dress, and a corsage!"

She put her hand over her mouth, "You shouldn't have!"

"I should have." I kissed her cheek, "Let's go inside and get ready. It starts at nine."

She nodded her head.

Hope everyone's having a good holiday! Merry Christmas !! 🎄🎁⛄️

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