C H A P T E R 31

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"Aren't those your pants?" Lindsey points out to me across the courtyard. I looked and see the same patterned pants but in a pink color.

I nodded my head and laughed, "Those are anyone, want to notify her that those are so yesterday?" I bite into my apple.

It's currently lunch time and we sit in the courtyard in our usual spot under the big tree. It provides the perfect shade and the grass is actual grass. I sit on a blanket, that Jonna brought from her car, leaning up against the tree.

The whole gangs here. Lindsey, Jonna, Carly, and even Sam. Only Sam knows why I disappeared during the summer, but he hasn't spilt a word. The others didn't question me either, they just accepted me back.

"Carley, you nerd put down the book," Jonna snatches the book away from Carley.

"I'm almost finished give it back." She reaches for it as Jonna hold it just out of reach.

Turning my attention away from the two I glance over the rest of the student body that decided to sit outside also. Amongst all the bodies I spot a brunet in the cutest hot pink sundress. I smile and get up.

"Hey gorgeous," I shake my arm around her waist

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"Hey gorgeous," I shake my arm around her waist.

"Natalia," she breathed my name looking around as I stood behind her.

"Come sit with me," I pout out my lip and let her go.

She looks back over to my group, "I'd love to, but I don't know about that, Talia."

"I'll sit with you, then."

She looks at me, "Fine."

"Come with me to grab my stuff," she nods her head, I take her wrist pulling her over to my group.

"Natalia, where are you going?" Lindsey started to question me.

"I'm gonna go sit with Jane. I promised something to River about keeping an eye on his pet," they nod their head.

"When is he going to learn that your ours and not his," Sam spoke for the first time. A blondie is currently placed on his lap.

I shook my head, "You wanna tell him that?"

"Nah I'm good. I like my blood to stay inside my body."

I roll my eyes,"I'll catch up with y'all later?" They nodded their head as I followed Jane to other side of the courtyard.

As I had predicted she sat at the end of the table that held all of my brothers old friends. Which of whom included half the football team and their girlfriends. I rolled my eyes and sat next to Jane.

Bad boys sister (gxg) ( UNDER MAJOR CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now