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Lindsey up above ⤴️
Natalia as Megan Fox
River as Taylor Lautner
Jane as Gal Gadot
Lindsey as Madelaine Petsch
Camille as Emily VanCamp
Sam as Sean O'Donnell
Jonna as Selena Gomez

How long I've yearned for summer to come. How long I've waited for the time to not wake up early for school. How I wished for summer even at the beginning of the school year, only to be bored not even half way though. Four weeks. That's how long school has been out and I'm already bored out of my mind.

I sigh just as the door bell decided to ring. Getting up from the couch I go over to throw open the door.

"Let's hang out. We haven't done that in a while," Lindsey walks in looking around with sunglasses in hand.

"Lindsey, what are you doing here?" I asked an absentminded question.

"I'm here to rescue you from your boredom. Now, put on a hot outfit and let's go do something fun!"

I sighed. Then smiled, "How'd you know I was bored?"

She shrugged, "Lucky guess, go get dressed. We're gonna have some fun."

Running up the stairs I rush to my room with Lindsey following after me. I shed my sleeping shorts and T-shirt trading them for a white baggy button up and light washed shorts.

I threw my day old curled hair into a messy bun, and slapped on some mascara, high light, and eyeliner.

"Twenty minutes, new world record," Lindsey sat on my bed phone in hand looking me up and down.

"Must be, ready to go?"

She nods her head and we make our way down stairs where I run into River and Camille.

"Where you off to so fast little sister?" River and his girlfriend were on the couch looking back at me.

"Out for a day of fun with my best friend of course!" I smile through my lies.

He nods.

Outside Lindsey and I hop into her car, "so where are we going?" She scrolls through her phone for a second.

"Trampoline park. Jonna and a few others are going to be there. We can see what everyone wants to do after that," she backs up and out of my drive way starting the twenty minute drive to the trampoline park. Throughout the whole twenty minutes Lindsey blared the radio and we screeched along.

Some of the best twenty minutes spent this summer.

At long last Lindsey parks in front of a warehouse looking building. At the front door Jonna, Sam, and a bunch of other people stood. Hopping out the car we joined them.

"Natalia! I thought you were hiding out!" Jonna joked around.

"Me hiding? Never," I smiled as She opened her arms to give me a hug.

"Let's go inside before I sweat off my makeup," Lindsey spoke.

"You know your highness, you are going to sweat off your makeup either way," Sams spoke up throwing his arm around her shoulder.

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