C H A P T E R 42

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Rated 16+ stop reading where the picture is if you are not 16 or over the age of 16!

The intro music started playing and I blankly stared at the tv, "Danny phantom," the music started playing up again, "yo Danny phantom was just fourteen when his parents built a very stand machine, it was designed to view a world unseen."

"Your watching Danny phantom," my eye doesn't leave the screen as I just nod, "What episode?"

I grabbed the remote hit pause then play so she could see the episode name, "I remember that episode. Where Danny gains popularity, and Sam joins the beauty pageant," she laughs.

I just bleakly nod my head.

"Ok what up?" She took a seat next to me on the couch. Jane faced me and crossed her legs sitting cris cross apple sauce.

I turned and looked at her, "nothing. Just simply trying to watch this show in peace."

Jane nods her head, "so you don't mind if I sit here and watch it with you?"

"It's a free country Jane. Do as you please," I face the tv screen once again.

"Natalia please talk to me," She scoots closer to me.

"I shouldn't be the one talking. You should," I shrug still looking directly at the tv.

Jane huffs and stands up going to stand in front of the tv, "I am your the one not cooperating."

I sit up fully and tap her thigh indicating for her to move, "ok whatever move."

Jane shakes her head and stands right in front of me. I sit back and look up at her. She then does the most unexpected thing. She leaned down and crashes her lips into mine. My eyes widen as she puts her hands on the couch behind me and straddles my waist.

Our lips move in sync, and my eyes drift close enjoy the feeling. I've missed it. I've missed her soft lips on mine. I missed her sweet taste. Reality dawned at me that this feeling I love so much is so wrong.

I turned my head breaking the kiss. Janes hands came to rest on my chest and she looks at me confused, "get off me Jane. I don't want this."

She stays rooted in place, "no. Your lying."

I shake my head. Yes, yes I am lying, but it's for the best. I keep my head turned looking to the side of Jane. She huffs. Her hot breathe presses up against my cheek. I bite the inside of my lip at the close proximity.

Jane kisses my cheek then trails down leaving goosebumps at every place her lips touch. Damn, why does she have this affect on me. Her hands trail down my side to my waist and her hands trail up my shirt.

I could simply end it by standing up and walking away or stay and see where this leads. I weigh my options, each second that I stay sitting on the couch however I fall more and more into her trap.

Jane seducing me. Thought I'd never see the day. It should be the other way around. I can keep my emotions in check though. I turned my head to face her and captured her lips with mine.

Fuck it. Or more like fuck her. Her arms wrap around my neck my hands trail down her sides to her ass. Her legs lay folded on either side of me. Jane pulled back smirking. Wow, I didn't think she had a seductive side.

Jane trailed kisses down my neck nipping at certain spots on my collarbone. I throw my head back. Soon my shirt it's discarded to the ground and she goes lower and lower. Me being the more dominions I pull her up, but she pushes me back and my back hits the couch.

Damn, I groan as I lay on the couch with Jane hovering over me, "do you still not want this?" She asks her lips hovering inches above mine.

"Mm I don't know," she grabs my hands and pins them above my head while straddling my waist. She leans over me to grab something off the coffee table. As she does so I get a face full of her boobs. I smirk and stick my tongue out.

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