C H A P T E R 27

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This chapter is rated R read at your own risk. The picture marks where you should stop reading if you are under the age of 16!

I rolled my eyes as she continued to laugh at me. Slapping her shoulder I said, "it's not that funny!" My words are slow and disconnected.

"It is though! How did you manage that?"

I shrugged.

Natalia and I had been sharing middle school memories. Mine mostly consists of embarrassing moments. That's why she's laughing at me. I grab my milkshake and start drinking it while looking at the tv screen. The credits of the movie we watched scrolled by. I couldn't tell what movie it was, because we paid no attention to it.

I looked back at Natalia who is starring up at me. She laid on her stomach with one hand entangled in her hair, "What?" I questioned, "do I have something on my face?" My eyes slowly opened and closed. So this what being high feel like.

"No," she smiled and bit her lip. Girls only do that when they want something. If she wants me to smoke another blunt with her I'm not gonna fall for it again, "I'm hungry," she spoke then put her head on the pillow.

I stayed leaning against the head board, "we just ate though."

She sighed, "I know. I know," she dismissed my laugh. Her eyes drifted open and closed. I knew she's out of it.

At three in the afternoon her hair is dis shelved, it made her look kind of hot I cannot lie, and she wore a silk robe. Her silk robe is falling off her shoulder to reveal that she wore nothing, but a bra and probably panties underneath.

I shook my head.

Why am I thinking about what she's wearing underneath? And did I really call her hot? I'm straight; I swear I'm straight. I grabbed the remote and scrolled through Netflix.

"I'm tired of watching movies," She grumbled rolling over on her back and putting one arm across her eyes.

"What do you wanna do then?" She shook her head not answering me. I set the remote down and reached over her to grab her phone, "you want me to order some more food?" She uncovered her eyes and shook her head, "ugh what do you want then?"

"I'm hot. Isn't it hot in here?" She surly sits up, propping herself up on her elbows.

"It's kinda warm. I can go turn down the thermostat," She nods her head and fans herself with one hand. I get up walk out her room and down the hall to the thermostat. After changing it from 78 degrees Fahrenheit to 70 degrees Fahrenheit walk back to her room.

To my, erm, dismay? I walk back into the room and she has shed her robe. I shake my head, "Talia what are you doing?"

"I said I'm hot, and easy solution to the problem was to eliminate the elements that were making me hot."

I laughed. She almost made no sense.

"Ok, lmao," I balled my hand into a first put it up to my mouth laughed and shook my head.

"Don't act like you don't like it."

I sat down on the other side of the bed.

"I'm straight."

"You didn't deny it!"

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the remote to the tv. Picking the first movie I saw I hit play.

The into started with music and a little kids voice. I raised my eyebrows. What is playing? I click ok on the remote and the movie title pops up 'It Takes Two'. Hum, ok.

The next time I look over at Natalia she's attempting to lighting another blunt. I shake my head. She can barely light the lighter. Her finger slip every time she tries.

I stifle a few giggles.

"Fuck you," she says with a sigh and puts it down. I hold up my hands in surrender. I'm trying to climb down from my cloud, "I'm bored," She wines.

"Watch the movie," I look back at the tv. Two little girl that look exactly alike bump into each other while running through the woods.

"This movies old, and boring."

I frown and turn my head towards her, "Do not diss the classics ma'am."

Natalia rolls her eyes.

"Let's play a game! I still have my dice," she raises her eye brows and I frantically shake my head.

I know what dice she's talking about, and last time her and her friends 'played' with them it was basically an orgy, "come on it'd be fun," she wore a smug smile as I continued to shake my head.

"Playing with those dice is on the list of things that you could never get me to do."

Natalia scooted to my side of the bed and put her face in front of mine. I could feel her breathe on mine.

She looks down at my lips and spoke slow, "come on. I promise It'll be fun," I shook my head slowly as her captivating eye drew me in.

She put a finger under my chin and tilted her head

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She put a finger under my chin and tilted her head. I looked down at her lips, "you know," she spoke. Her hot breath hit my chin, "I've always been kind of jealous of my brother, because he was able to keep you wrapped around his finger. I secretly have always like you, Jane," she spoke my name igniting a fire through my entire body..

This girl that is in front of me, the girl that I though hated me since we first met. Actually likes me? I didn't have anytime to react before she crashed her lips into mine. Her thumb slips to my chin and the rest of the fingers lay just below that.

My lips surprisingly moved in sync with hers. This isn't the first time she's kissed me, but this time there's an undeniable spark. I surprised myself by deepening the kiss. She smiled against my lips and moved me to straddle her waist.

Natalia moved on from my lips to my neck I leaned my head back allowing her all the access she needed. My shirt is the first thing to go. Her hands roamed freely underneath until she decided to throw it to the side.

She looked up to me and smiled as my arms linked around her neck , then she once again joins my lips with hers. At the same time she fumbled with my tights waist band. I looked down as her fingers slipped into my tights. I squirmed when her fingers brushed up against my panties.

She smirk and began rubbing me through my underwear. I moaned in pure satisfaction. Natalia wrapped her free arm around my waist holding my me place.

When I reached climax she reached past my panties stuck two fingers inside of me and them back out, putting them inside her mouth.

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