C H A P T E R 22

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Two weeks later

"Natalia, what a surprise to see you here! Your parents told us you were being shipped off to boarding school." Sam greets me as I get out the elevator.

"It was a bust. Decided to make a jail break."

He nods his head, "figures. Need a place to crash?"

I nod my head. My suit cases rolled in behind me being brought in by the door man.

"Nice timing. My parents are in Fiji for the next week."

"Sweet I can crash until then?"

"Yeah shouldn't be a problem. They probably won't be back for at least three weeks when they do their monthly checking up on me."

We moved to the kitchen after tipping the door man for the help.

"So the official story is that you were sent to boarding school. What actually happened Talia?"

I sigh. Sam and I didn't keep secrets from each other, "what do you know?"

He shrugs and walks to the fridge grabbing a bottle of Voss water, "I actually don't know much. Your parents are doing a good job on containing this one. I did have a weird convo with your brother. Thought he was gonna eat me alive."

I roll my eyes and take a seat at the kitchen island, "well the after party that we both attended-"

"Man is this about the bad batch of pills?"

I look at him, "what?"

Sam sighs and leans on the counter, "well someone there threw in a cocktail of pills that was supposed to make you feel really euphoric."


He nods his head, "yeah you don't remember? I tried to convince you to leave with me whenever they pulled them out, but you weren't budging. You were already out of your mind sloshed."

I put my face in my hands, "ugh."

"So this is about that night," he takes the lid off of his water and takes a sip.

I nod my head, "umm, yeah. My parents just assumed I ODed by myself, and tired to send me off to rehab."

"Oh shit."

"Yeah it's pretty bad."

"Damn my bad b."

"I mean I guess it's been a pretty eventful summer."

He smiles, "and we still got a month left."

"Where's the gang at?"

Sam scratches the back of his neck, "Well..."

I rolled my eyes.

"Don't tell me everything's gone to shit since I've been gone."

He shrugs," Girls will be girls," girls. My girl. Oh my fucking god.

"What about Jaleena is she pissed at me?" He didn't say a word, "shit!"

"Where's your phone at? She said she left you about a million messages."

"I currently do not have one."

"Natalia how did you get here then?"

I shrug, "I have my ways."

"I will go get you a phone in the mean time you can use mine if you'd like." He pulls his phone out of his pocket and tosses it to me.


"Don't mention it. I'm gonna let you have your privacy and run to the store, do you need anything else?"

"No. Just don't tell anyone I'm here."

Bad boys sister (gxg) ( UNDER MAJOR CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now