C H A P T E R 40

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I walked around campus looking for Natalia.

I walk aimlessly through the cafeteria looking for her. No Natalia though. Sighing I walk over to Rivers part of the courtyard. No Natalia or River, so even if I wanted to ask where Natalia is I couldn't, because I don't know where he disappeared to.

I look up and see Aron walking to the table, so I decide to cut pretty boi off, "Sam what the fuck?!" I roll my eyes.

"Do you know where Natalia is?"

"Who's asking?" What the fuck is actually wrong with him?

"Me. Who else would be asking? Im the one who literally just asked you!" I resist the urge to slap him upside the head.

"No I haven't seen Natalia alright?" Aron snapped at me.

"Do you know where she might be? You two have been spending an awful lot of time together. I know your boning her," he scratched the back of his neck.

"There nothing going on between us. We're not even talking at the moment, so I have no clue where she I'd where she might be," I run a hand through my hair. This whole ordeal is stressing me out.

"Are you sure?" He nods his head and looks at me with a dumb ass expression.

"Look, if you want my help I can ask River. I won't say your looking for her though. I'll say Lindsey or someone else is looking for her," I nod my head.

"Yeah, do that," he pulls out his phone and starts typing away. Damn I thought only girl type that fast. I laughed, "you type like a girl!"

He looks up at me, "do you want the help or not ass wipe?" I nod my head holding up my hands in surrender.

"Sorry, sorry, just stating facts. Girly hands," I snort at the insult and he hits me upside the head, "Hey! Let's not resort to violet methods, or I just might have to kick your ass."

He snorts, "kick my ass. You know I have a hundred pounds of pure muscle on me right?"

It's my turn to snort, "muscle? Are you sure it's not pudding?" Aron narrows his eyes at me and turns around to walk away, "wait, wait! What did he say?"

He turns around and flips me off while walking backwards, "figure it out your own damn self."

I frown and watch him retreat back to his table. I groan in frustration and stuff my hands in my pocket. No place for me to go now, but back to the gang. Shit, this is going to drive me crazy! I need to talk to Natalia now.

Walking back to the gang they all stare at me, "is that Aron you were talking to?" Lindsey asked smacking her bubble gum.

"Yah, whats it to you?"

She blows a bubble and it pops, "first Natalia going off to hang out with them, now you. Are we not good enough anymore?"

"Do y'all know where is she?" I ignored Lindsey and turned to everyone else in the group.

"No clue," Jonna answered me. I got the same response from the rest of the group.

"I'm worried about her maybe we should ask River where she's at," Carley spoke up. I nodded my head at her.

"Carley you should call him to ask," everyone nods their heads while she shakes hers.

"I would, but I don't have his number."

"I do," Jonna pulls out her phone.

He doesn't answer.

"Welp, I'm out of ideas," Jonna sighed.

The bell rung moments later. I was the first to get up and walk away. I needed Aron to tell, me where Natalia is. He's gonna tell me one way or another.

I caught him in the hallway when he saw me he rolled his eyes and turned around. I sped up and jogged after him until I'm walking right besides him, "Aron just tell me what he said."

"Why don't you ask him yourself?"

"If you tell me I won't tell him you've been fucking his sister."

He stopped and looked me dead in the eye, "You wouldn't."

I held up my hands and started waxing backwards, "I mean I wouldn't have to tell him if I just got the information I want."

Aron sighed, "She's at the hospital with Jane. Apparently Jane got into an accident, so since River couldn't stay with her Natalia volunteered. That's all I know."

"My lips are sealed," I ran down the hall and to my car. Class isn't as important as the thing I need to tell Natalia.

There are several hospitals in town, but I knew exactly witch one they're at. They're at the hospital they own. I raced down taking a mere ten minutes.

Inside I asked the nurse at the counter for the floor and room number Jane is in. She told me floor two room 202. I nodded my head and ran up the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator. Once I got to the door I knocked lightly.

Shuffling is head from within be fore a, "come in," is uttered.

I walked in shocking nothing the girl that laid in one hospital bed. They were cuddle up to each other before I walked in, "Sam what are you doing here?" Natalia sat up.

"I have a problem, a serious problem. Like Talia you don't even know how big it is. I've screwed up. Like big time!" I pace back and forth in front of the door.

"Sam slow down, what happened," she threw her legs over the side of the bed.

I stoped and starred at her, "I got a girl pregnant. A freshman at that."

He mouth fell open, "Sam what the fuck!? Ever heard of wrap it before you tap it?"

I groaned and sat in the chair placed next to the bed, "she told me she was on the pill and now I'm royally fucked."

Natalia bursted out laughing, "that's the oldest trick in the book."

I narrowed my eyes at her, "Your not helping."

"Oh right sorry, sorry. What did you need me for?"

I rolled my eyes, "You always know what to do in tough situations."

"Oh. Well your kind of right. Is she going to keep it?"

I nod my head, "Her parents haven't found out about it yet. I just found out from her sister. She wasn't suppose to tell me, but it kind of slipped out."

Natalia nods her head, "how far is she?"

"A month or two. I don't know."

"How do you not know, your the one who screwed her!"

"Well it was more than once."

she sighs, "Just go talk to her about it."

I shake my head, "that's the best you have for me?"

"Sam I'm a little preoccupied myself."

I look over at Jane forgetting she was here.

"Oh right. You ok by the wya Jane?"

She smiles and nods her head.

"Aren't you glad girls can't get girls pregnant?"

They both blankly stare at me before I leave the room.

I WROTE THIS CHAPTER IN A SPAN OF AN HOUR. 🤪 Sam in media by the way! ❤️❤️❤️

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