C H A P T E R 15

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June 23 came around sooner than expected. Mother is in a frenzy getting all of the family's outfits ready and planning out the whole shindig.

I sighed, "Natalia!" Mother bursted into my room and I frantically put out the cigarette I held. Mother put out her hand waiting for me to give her the cigarettes," don't make me ransack your room. You will give me everything you have. No daughter of mine will be smoking these cancer sticks! Especially not on a day like this. Now hand them over or your father will deal with this."

My eyes widened.

She has never told my dad about my smoking ordeal. I opened my dresser next to my bed and handed her everything I got weed and all, "how you manage to obtain this all I have no clue. Just be glad I don't cut you off you ungrateful swine. Now for what I originally came in for," out of nowhere she pulls out my dress for her party. I resist the urge to roll my eyes.

"River also mentioned something about Jane going. If you're going with another," she paused, "female. You're going with her. So I bought her a dress also."

I simply nod my head as she walks out. She's about to have a rude awakening. I throw the two dresses to the side. Not my taste. I'd rather wear something more. I had gone out and bought a dress for Jaleena and I. She doesn't know she's going with me yet, I haven't asked.

I got down on my knees and reached under the bed and grabbed the two boxes with our dresses in them. I made sure to use my mothers credit card when purchasing them. They were a pretty penny. Good thing she doesn't check her card statements. I smirked.

Now I have eight hours to convince Jaleena to go with me. Price of cake! I grab the boxes and a shoe box from my closet and head down stairs. I all but ran out the house dumping the boxes into the passenger's seat of my car. I then walked back inside after shutting the car door.

"Talia, Jane will be by at 8:45. Unless you want her to get dressed with you," I turn around to face River.

"What are you talking about?"

"Mom said you and Jane are going to the party together."

I face palm, "Oh right. Um, I'll pick her up. Like right now. What's her address?"

River looked at me curiously, "Talia, Jane is special, she's not like other girls."

I hold my hands up in defense, "Why the speech it's not like we have a thing. She's straight."

He rolled his eyes.

"She's straight . I'm only allowing you to take her because mother said. I'll text you her address. Please, just don't make mother mad."

"Trust me I don't plan on it!"

He nods his head.

I run back up to my room. Damn, I have to deal with Jane now. I pick up the dress in the black tarp like bag and unzip it. The name taped to the bag is Jane. A white dress flows out of the bag. Modest yet perfect for her. I roll my eyes. She would pick out the perfect dress for Jane, the daughter she never had.

I throw the dress on my bed and walk inside my closet. I threw on some tight fitting Adidas sweats, white crop top, and my black and white checkered vans. After changing I braided my hair to the side, and began to pack my stuff I would need to get ready.

Throwing everything in a duffle bag and grabbing Jane's dress I go down the stairs and to my car. Throwing the rest of the stuff in the back I drive off towards my destination.

I rented a hotel to get ready. The drive takes me 30 minutes to get there seeing as it's on the other side of the city and the lights hate me. Every time I got to the light it just so happened to turn red! It was very tempting to run all of them, but I thought against it.

I got to the hotel and checked in. The front deck lady gave me a card and the bellboy unloaded my car. I gave my keys to the valet with instructions to bring it around in twenty minutes.

The bell boy and I hopped in the elevator and took it up eight floors. The floor only held about five rooms, seeing as each room is a suit. My suit was at the end of the hall. The bell boy unloaded my bags by the door and left, but not before I handed him a twenty. I walked around the room and smiled.

I grabbed my bags and went into the bathroom that is the size of a living room. It has a huge long marble sink with a mirror over it and in the far right corner you could find the sink. The faucet wasn't your average faucet, but instead like a water fountain and flowed down the silver metal workings. On the wall opposite to the countertop and sink a standing shower is found. You walk inside and turn and it expands. At first you would think it's small then once you get past the short hall you get surprised at how big it is. Opposite of the shower is a jacuzzi in the shape of an octagon. All in all the bathroom is perfect.

I spread my makeup out all over the counter. Organizing it how I always do. After finishing I walk out of the bathroom and open the closet. It's pretty big, a rack where you hang dresses is inside, so I pull it out and hand out dresses up and place it in the bathroom also. Deciding everything is perfect and ready to go I grab my keys and go downstairs.

As I instructed, my keys are waiting for me. I smile at the valet and hop inside. Before I go get Jane I need to make a pit stop.

Took me two months to update,, but it's here! Sorry guys and for those of you who have stuck around since the begging y'all are the real ones! ❤️ long chapter that is longgggggg over due!

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