C H A P T E R 32

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Up above is Sams loft.

We arrived at Sams loft thirty minutes later. I didn't brother knocking on the door, but instead just walked in side. The loft is already fogged over with smoke. Sam had bought a few more dab Riggs over the summer and that's what most of the smoke was coming from.

I shook my head. They started without me.

"Couldn't wait for me to start the party?" Everyone sat in the living room. Lindsey, Jonna and Carley sat on the couch. Sam sat on the love seat with the blonde freshman on his lap along with one other guy. I think his name is Isaac.

"You took forever," Sam stood up brushing the girl off his lap. He came to me took the twelve pack of Dos Equis out my hands and kissed my cheek. I rolled my eyes as he did so, "Is this all you brought?" He asked from the kitchen.

"Yes, were just supposed to watch a movie not throw a party," I responded back. I took Janes wrist and sat down on the black seat that was pulled out with her on my lap, "of course that's not not all I brought."

"Party-" Sam began to talk, but was cut off by the door bell ringing. He walked out of the kitchen and to the door giving me a smug smile, "glad y'all could make it!" Is all I heard from the door as two more guys walked in.

Maybe it is a party. Sam and the two guys walked into the kitchen. I stood up and let Jane take the seat while I followed them to the kitchen, "y'all know I roll the best right?" I asked.

The guys are rolling blunts on the kitchen island.

"Your right, your right, but I thought you were to busy entertaining your girl out there," I rolled my eyes at Sams response and told him to scoot over. He held up his hands in surrender and backed up.

"You just gonna let her boss you around like that bro?" One of the guys laughed. I stopped and looked at him. He has light skin, curly dark hair, and honey brown eyes.

"Don't piss her off she bites," Sam said laughing at the guy and slapping him on his shoulder. I continued rolling the blunt.

"Her, bite, I don't think so man."

I finished the rolling the blunt in record time and turned around, "Don't let looks fool you," I spoke cooly.

"Are you sure? That Gucci belt is saying all I need to know," he raised an eyebrow.

"To think I almost shared my party favors with you," I put the blunt to my lips reached across the counter for the lighter and lit it.

"Ashton shut the fuck up. She's my plug. Girl finds some unbelievable shit," Sam slapped his friend upside the head. I looked to the other guy who was quietly watching the scene unfold.

I blew out a few rings, then winked at them and walked out the room back to the living room. Jane and Carley were invested in conversation I didn't bother interrupting them and instead sat at the foot of the black chair on the floor. The three guys walked back into the room as I got comfortable.

"Are we gonna watch a movie or not?" I asked looking over at Sam that regained his spot back with the blonde freshman on his lap once again.

"Yah," he pulled the remote out of the couch, "what do you wanna watch?"

"Let's watch a scary movie," Jonna suggested.

I shook my head, "Hell no. I'll be tripping the fuck out."

She laughs at me, "Like the last time?"

"Yes bitch like the last time. Y'all are hoes for that," I grumpily put the blunt back up to my mouth after flicking of the ash onto the glass table.

"What happened last time?" Ashton's friend spoke for the first time. He held a pen in his hands.

"She smoked two blunts, had whole case of dos, and some Molly; like the dumb ass she is, and then we scared her onto the roof and proceeded to convinced her to jump off the roof and into the pool naked. We were on the roof and the movie had her paranoid or whatever so she was in a rush to get down and ran to jump in the pool. Only she didn't jump and instead fell through the roof," Jonna finished speaking and I shook my head at the memory.

"I ended up in the hospital for a day, because I had a concussion," Jane laughed from beside me and I looked up at her.

"So no scary movie, what about a comedy?"

I looked over at Sam that flipped through the movies on his roku .

"Or romance!" Carley said excitedly.

"Fuck no!" Lindsey spoke looking up from her phone.

"She speaks!" I said. Lindsey narrowed her eyes and threw a pillow at me. I burst out laughing as I push the pillow away with one hand.

"Dude pass the blunt," she reaches over Jonna and snatched it from me.

"Could have said please."

She rolls her eyes at me.

"Guys what the fuck are we watching?"

"FIFTY SHADES OF GREY!" I shout at him. He viciously shakes his head, "don't be a pussy! We won't look at your boner as you check out Dakota Johnson."

"No I think everyone here agrees with me when I say we would rather not watch porn together."

I groan, "You all are a bunch of pussies!"

"We're watching Baby Driver," Sam announces at last minutes later. I grumble under my breathe not getting my way.

The beginning of the movie starts and I couldn't be less interested. I mean I love Baby Driver, but would rather watch a different movie. While everyone else was engrossed with the movie I snagged a vape from Carley who didn't even notice.

I hit the pen and did a double take. It's weed. Whoa, my horizons have just been widened. I silently laugh at myself.


"I'm in baby," Deborah said in her country accent.

"See you soon," Baby hung up and the line went dead. An hour. That's how long we've been watching this movie. And it's not even close to being over.

I throw my head back and groan. Jane looks down at me. I avoided her stare and looked over at Sam who's whispering the freshman's ear. She giggles nods her head and stands up. He's gonna smash at last.

I rolled my eyes as they walked out the room. Taking this time I stand up also and make my way to the kitchen. I dig through his fridge, the munchies hit hard. Grabbing a can of half sliced pineapples I pull it out the fridge. It's covered with plastic wrap, so I pull it off and grab a piece plopping it in my mouth.

"You could at least use a fork."

I licked my finger as I finished chewing the piece of pineapple.

"Forks are over rated," I sat on the kitchen island. She walked over and leans up against the counter next to me, "Did you get tired of the movie to?"

Jane shakes her head, "the rooms full of smoke and it's making my head hurt.

I laughed, "You would think you'd be use to it by now," she rolls her eyes at me.

The silence fills over us. It's a comfortable silence though. Not awkward just comfortable. I stare over at her. She's not like the other girls. Jane is Well Jane. She doesn't fall for my tricks and flattery, yet all at the same time she does. I can't read her as I do everyone else.

She notices me starring at her and smiles, "What?" She questions.

I simply shake my head. I set down the can and take her wrist to pull her in front of me. She gives me a questioning look. Our faces are inches apart. My hand lays on her cheek. I smile at her as I notice she begins to blush.

Jane tries to look down but I my thumb under her chin facing her to look at me. I shake my head, "what is it about you?" I softly whisper before gently placing my lips on hers.

I couldn't ever seem to get enough.

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