C H A P T E R 34

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I've never felt how it was to be emotionally exhausted. Monday morning however it all dawned apron me. It hit me all at once as my alarm clock went off. I sat up the events of Saturday still replaying in my mind.

I yelled at her. I actually yelled at her.

Shaking my head I threw my blanket off my body, threw my legs over the bed, went to my bathroom, and turn on the shower. I hop inside and do my usual morning routines. Once I'm done I turn off the shower and hop out wrapping my body and hair in a fluffy white towel.

Feeling to drained to wear my usual flashy outfits I put on a white crop top, maroon adidas tights, with three strawberry red lines on the side, followed by the matching maroon wind breaker. I pair the outfit together with my grey Yeezy's.

As I blow dry my hair while sitting on my bed I see my yellow backpack. Putting down the blow drier I get up and grab the bag throwing all of the contents inside on the bed. Going back into my closet I pull out my Louis Vuitton backpack and put my school stuff in the bag.

Throwing the yellow bag to the back of my closet I continue to blow dry and straiten my hair. After finishing my hair I apply light natural makeup. Finishing up my look I stand and look around my room.

Shaking my head I grab my phone, bag, keys, and a pair of sunglasses then walk out the room. River is downstairs when I get there.

He's in the kitchen drinking coffee.

"What are you, dad?" I roll my eyes and open the fridge.

"Just making sure your up to go to school."

"Yes I'm up and on my way to school." I pull out the chocolate milk and pour me a glass.

"Natalia I just wanted to say thank you."

I stop mid drink, "why?"

"For behaving. And for it the plan is for me to stay here with you for the remainder of your school year. Camille will be moving in with us."

My eyes widen, "what?!"

"It was either this or mom move in when I left for college."

"I'm not liking either options right now."

"Well you don't have to like them, but you will have to respect them."

I had no words. What was I supposed to say? "When is Camille moving in?" I sip my chocolate milk.

"As soon as I propose."

I lit out my chocolate milk, "what!?"

He nods his head and stands up. In hands he has a box which he slides across the kitchen island. It hits my glass of chocolate milk. It's a black ring box.

My fingers touch the velvety outside before picking it up and looking inside. It's beautiful.

"Mom gave me her engagement ring father gave her. He got it from his mother who got it from her mother and so on. It's a 1920 old European cut diamond."

"So this is real?"

He nods his head, "I'm going to ask her in a month. Our parents are both on board. All I have to do is pop the question. I'm going to wait until I'm settled in school for a few weeks, but I had to tell you."

I nod my head, "wow. That's a lot to digest."

"I know. And I'm sorry. Take some time to digest. Think about it, and then I want your help on popping the question."

I finished the rest of my chocolate milk in one gulp, "okay. I'll think on it."

I wanted to get out of the room as soon as possible.

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