C H A P T E R 26

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I take a hit of the blunt passed to me. I take a deep breathe of the smoke and let it fill my lungs. The smoke burns, but I don't let it out until a few seconds go by. The smoke first comes out of my nose, then I blow it into rings.

"Talia, " I shake my head and take another hit. This inhale is deeper and longer than one before.

The smoke comes out my nose once again, "wait, I'm not high enough."

"Talia I'm trying to apologize," he takes the blunt from me and I groan.

"Apologize for what? Shipping me off to rehab? Siding with our parents? What River tell me!" I pass the blunt back to him.

He looked at me and takes a long hit.

"I'm sorry ok, but to just know your ok, Natalia I'm so sorry."

I look down at my hands.

We are currently home sitting in a living room that is covered in plastic. Mother is having the kitchen renovated and doesn't want the dust to float into the living room and ruin her new couches.

I continued to look around not wanting to look him in the eye, "Are you going to tell mom and dad?"

River starred at me for a second, "They already know, the police called them whenever you were taken to the hospital. They called me to pick you up."

I cursed under my breathe, "What did they say?"

"They're not mad about you running away. More pissed about what happened," his eyes quickly glance up at me then back down at the blunt.

"Oh yeah? They hear their daughter got raped and send their son to pick her up from the hospital after-" I broke. I couldn't do this anymore.

Tears streamed down my face bruised face. I felt dirty and disgusting and my parents only made me feel worse by not being here. Why would they not come?

River sits next to me for the next four hours stroking my hair and promising everything is going to be okay. I don't believe him as I weep in his arms.


The next morning I wake up in my bed. My phone is buzzing uncontrollably on my night stand. My ring tone 7 rings is blaring through the speakers. I groan and grab the damn thing answering it.

"Hello!?" I said rather rudely.

"Natalia!" The voice on the other end shrieked my name and I groaned.

"How did you get my new number?"

"Sam gave it to me."

"Of course he did."

"Are you ok? I saw the news," I wiped my hand across my face and yawned.

"Lindsey what the fuck are you talking about?"

"You haven't see it?"

"No, seen what?" I sit up.

"Its literally all over the news. You being assaulted by Damien. Did he really rape you?"

I curse under my breathe, "Tell me your lying."

"Sorry B, I'm not. Wish I was."

I groaned and hung up on her without another word.

I put my phone back on the night stand and threw my feet over the edge of the bed. Grabbing my satin robe I went downstairs.

"Talia, look Jane brought us donuts," River greeted me as I came down. I looked from him to her.

"Have you seen it?" I asked ignoring the sugary desserts that sit on the coffee table. River just looked at me and nodded his head, "What the fuck? How! It hasn't even been 24 hours since it happened?!" I sat down on the plastic wrapped couch.

Bad boys sister (gxg) ( UNDER MAJOR CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now