C H A P T E R 9

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Natalia as Megan Fox
River as Taylor Lautner
Jane as Gal Gadot
Lindsey as Madelaine Petsch
Camille as Emily VanCamp
Sam as Sean O'Donnell
Jonna as Selena Gomez
Carly as Emilia Clarke
Jaleena as Anna Camp

I groaned and sat up. Why do I always have to wake up like this? I questioned silently looking around my bed room. My clothes from the previous night were scattered across the floor and sun seemed to be screaming at me. I groaned and threw myself face down on the pillow next to me.

The empty space brought me out of thought as I sat back up and looked down at the empty spot a body occupied the night before.

My bedroom door opened, "She left a few hours ago. Something about not wanting to disrupt you."

I yawn, "What time is it?"

"Two ish."

I groan, "God, be a dear and get me some aspirin and water," with one last glance at me she did as told and I got up and shuffled through my dresser finding a shirt that is probably River's and threw it over my naked body. Jane comes back just as I'm getting back in bed, "don't just stand at the door. Come give it to me."

She sighed. Walking into my room she handed me the glass of water and aspirin which I gladly took. Handing her the glass back she starts to walk away before I grab her wrist. Jane stops mid track, "stay with me. Let's have a girls day!"

She turns her body towards me looking at me, "girls day?"

I nod my head.

"Yes, just you and me! After all, don't you get tired of following my brother around? Don't you wanna do girly stuff?" She nods her head, "ok then it's settled!" I jumped up on top of my bed. And then jumped to the floor.

"I'm going to paint your nails, and toes," going to my side table I set down the empty cup and pull out a cherry red nail polish from the drawer. Jane sat down on my bed criss cross apple sauce, and was starring at me.

I smiled and go to my tv witch was opposite to my bed and turned it on grabbing the controller then hopping back onto my bed.

Pillows flew everywhere as I landed next to Jane, "you can pick what we watch."

She takes the controller, "anything?"

"Anything you want," I replied back and took her free hand and started to polish her finger nails. Seconds later she settles on season eight of Supernatural. I yet again smile as the recap starts playing.

"Do you like Supernatural?" Five minutes into the show Jane looks over at me and asks the question of the century.

"Yes, indeed I do. I've seen each episode at least twice."

It's Jane's turn to smile, "I thought you'd watch Vampire diaries, but never Supernatural."

"I watch both," a Big Bang from a shotgun on tv makes us both jump and in turn we both burst out laughing.


           Two Supernatural episodes later, I'm done painting her nails and toes, they also happen to be done drying.

"Let get something to eat I'm starved," I look up from my phone to Jane who had her eyes glued on the tv.


"What do you want?"

She shrugs.

"Okay then Let's just go grab some McDonald's and come back or we can eat there." I suggest and She nods. I hate that she's so quiet. We put on some shoes and I make myself decent then we start to head out.

As I threw open the front door, a girl stood there fist up ready to knock. I looked her up and down, she squirmed under my glaze. We both stood waiting for each other to talk, "I left my bracelet here last night," she spoke first, "did you by any chance find it?"

I shook my head, "no, but we can go look," Jaleena nodded.

I moved to the side and let her inside, "I'm going upstairs to help look for her bracelet we'll leave after she finds it," I told Jane. She nods and I make my way up stairs with Jaleena.

Once inside my room Jaleena looked on the floor and I started to shake down my bed reasoning pillows, and shaking down the blanket, "bad news is it's not in my bed."

"And not underneath the bed," she sighed.

"Think of anywhere else it could've gone?" I asked. She held her wrist and thought for a moment.

"The living room maybe?"

"Let's go check," we headed back down stairs. I searched the couch by taking out the cushions while Jaleena looked under it. We both sigh.

"The living room and my room were the only places you went last night?" I asked looking around. She nods her head.

"Well,"I pause, "maybe it got caught on my clothes or something."

"It's worth checking," listening to her we once again go back up to my room.

I look around for the old clothes and found them still spread around the room. I smiled as I picked up my old underwear and found a small gold bracelet stuck on the lace.

"I think I found your bracelet," I turned around to face her and detached then bracelet from the underwear.

"My bracelet, " she says with a sigh looking relieved that we found it.

I nod and grab her wrist, clipping it on for her. We make our way back down stairs and to the door.

"Are you going to call me this time? I mean showing up at my door is fine to," I smirk and she blushed.

We stood on my porch door wide open, "How would I call you if I don't even have your number?"

"You Have it. I put in your phone last night," I turned around ready to go back inside.


I stop mid track and turn around.

"Ye-" I was stopped mid sentence by a pair of lips crashing into mine. We pulled apart and she turned so quick ready to run away yet again, but I grabbed her wrist, "quite walking away from me," then crashed my lips into hers.

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