C H A P T E R 6

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Natalia as Megan Fox
River as Taylor Lautner
Jane as Gal Gadot
Lindsey as Madelaine Petsch
Camille as Emily VanCamp
Sam as Sean O'Donnell
Jonna as Selena Gomez

"You're a dick River."

After two days my brother walked in through the front door.

He looked over at me, "you're one to talk."

I stood up, "at least I didn't leave for two days without a word! I called, I texted, I tired! I never try!"

He shook his head, "Natalia I'm sorry."

I shook my head, "I'm not the one you should be apologizing to," I stood up from the couch, "you stood up a certain brunette."

I walked upstairs locking myself in my bed room. River followed after me minutes later, "listen Talia it wasn't my fault."

I scoffed, "who are you going to blame it on then River?!" I yelled through the door.

"Mother called," he paused. I got up from bed and made my way towards the door, "she wanted to ensure me and Camille hit it off. So, we met up our families and us. If we ended up hating each other she has a brother, and they were going to move on to plan b."

I opened my door, "I believe you, but I don't know if Jane will."

He engulfed me in a hug,"let me worry about that. Now wanna hang out? I missed my little sister." he lets me go and ruffles my hair.

I swat at his hands and back up fixing my hair, "Sorry bro, I already have plans. Sam's throwing a party tonight at his parent's loft."

"Sams back?" He asked.

"Now you see if you answered your phone you'd in fact know he is back,"

He shook his head, "I'm coming with, and I'm going to bring Camille."

I shake my head, "Do as you wish," I walk into my room and he pulls his phone out of his pocket.

Looking at the time I decide to get ready, only having two hours to be model ready.

At last I finish my look and put on my silver stilettos. Smiling at my self in the mirror, I grab my clutch walking down stairs.

Smiling at my self in the mirror, I grab my clutch walking down stairs

"First off that dress is to short for my liking and second, dude why the fuck can I see your nipple. Nope. Nope. Go change."

I roll my eyes while rubbing my boobs, "shut up you prick it's cold in here."

He shook his head, "Dude go change before Camille gets here and she tells mom how you're dressed."

I make a face, "so she's a narc? Nice to know." I walked in front of the front door where a mirror lies on the right wall. I check my appearance.

"Talia. Change now."

"No boy no." I mocked his syllable placement but sounded like I was talking to a dog, "I'm not a fucking dog dude."

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