C H A P T E R 35

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Shit. I've fucked up. Why oh why, can't I just let myself be happy just for once. I sat up and threw my legs over my bed and put my elbows on my knees. Putting my head on my hands I groaned.

"Jane! Get your ass down here!" My head snapped up. Quickly getting up I locked my door and bolted it shut. Maybe she would think I'm not here.

I'm usually not here. I can hide from her at Rivers house. Not like she cares either way. I heard her footsteps down the hall. We have a small one story house, so there aren't many rooms to hide in or go to.

My room is probably the smallest and nicest in the house. I have a small bed pushed up against the wall, a wooden night stand next to the bed, and a small ugly green couch next to my closet door. Simple yet me. My bed is covered by a white comforter, and I have dark brown sheets under that. Pillows cover my head board also.

I hear banging on my door and I come out of my thoughts, "Jane open this fucking door right now!" Stay quiet and she won't know your here. She bangs against the door a few more times before giving up.

Thankfully I heard her heavy footsteps walk away from my door and back down the hall again. I sighed. I guess I deserve this a toxic abusive home.

Looking down at my purple bag I grab it. Grabbing my school stuff that's spread across my bed I throw everything back in the bag and pry open the one window in the room. Staying here is my always my last option.

I hop out the window. Going down the side of the house I walk to the front of the house. After school I rode the bus here. That was two hours ago, so I have no absolute clue where I'd go.

I walked down the street. All of a sudden a car pulled up next me I sighed as the car rolled down the street next me ever so slowly, "Jane what a coincidence! I was just going to drop by your house!"


He nods his head smiling at me. I swear he's my guardian angle.

"That's my name last time I checked! Hop in let's go grab a bite!"

I nodded my head and hopped inside the car, "Why were you going to pick me up?"

"I feel like we haven't hung out in forever. With Camille, Natalia, and all."

I nodded my head. Natalia, "How's Camille?"

He immediately brightened up, "She's great. Her and her family went to meet up with my family in Paris. I'm supposed to meet up with them in a few weekends. You wouldn't mind babysitting Natalia for me would you?" He laughed.

"Anything for you," I said softly.

"I wouldn't blame you if you didn't. My sister is something else! She snuck out Monday to go to a party! Can you believe her, because I can. She can be so wreck less sometimes," I nodded my head letting him ramble on about his sister, "she's been acting weird lately though. She's been going out less, stopped hanging out with her friends, leaving school early to go home and sleep for hours on end. I don't know what's up with her."

"Yah me either," we pulled into the parking lot of Denny's.

"I know you love this place. Hope you don't mind."

I shake my head with a smile, "Of course I don't."

"You know your smile is contagious," he said with a soft smile plastered on his face.

We got out the car and walked inside and are immediately greeted by a hostess she takes us to a booth.

"What can I get you two to drink today?" She asked us.

"Water please."

I nod my head, "Me to," she walks away to get our drinks.

"So you wanna tell me why you were walking a block from you house?" He was beating around the bush in the car.

"No not really."

He sighed, "Jane, if your mother is hurting you again you can come stay with us. We have the room."

I nod my head.

River is the only one that knows about my home situation. He has helped me cope all these years. He is the only reason why I'm still standing as strong as I do. It's hard to believe that he wasn't sent here for me. My angel. Instead I have to share him.

"I know," the waitress brought us our drinks and that was the end of that conversation.


Once we got our food and finished eating I decided it was best to go back with River to his house. Here I am walking through the threshold of the Vanderson house. Sighing I waited for River to check the security system.

"Natalia's not here. It shows that she left hours ago," he shook his head, "why does she keep on doing this. On a school night also!" He threw his hands up in frustration.

"Just let her. It's her choice you can't control what she does no matter how hard you try," I shrugged and walked into the living room taking a seat on the couch.

"It's those friends of hers. Maybe if I make her start sitting with you at lunch and stay after to watch football practice she'll float away from her toxic group."

I shook my head, "River that would only make it worse. Just leave it alone, if she's really in trouble trust that she'll come to you."

He shook his, "You know what happened last time she was in trouble. I just- I just don't want that to happen again."

I nodded my head and put my hand on his shoulder, "I know. Just put a little bit of trust in her. She'll come around," at least I hope she does.

He nods his head and gets up from the couch, "I hope she does. I'm gonna hit the hay. Long day ahead. You know where everything is."

I nodded my head and watched him walk up the stairs.

What is happening?

Janes room in the media. Someone had asked for a chapter about Jane . Here's some inside from her. 40 votes in one day though wow guys.

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