The proposal

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"So you'll go with me to visit my parents? They are in town for today only and I have to ask them a serious question."

"Of course I'll go with you," I smile at Isabelle.

"Thank you so much. I don't want Jane to know, so if she asks we're studying all day."

Isabel nods her head.

Jane and I have been in collage for three years now. We're in our last semester of our junior year. Then I'll have my business degree and will get my share of the company. River has total control right now.

"Hey babe," Jane walks into the kitchen. I smile up at her and lean back in my seat. She walks up to me and leans against me with a yawn.

"Hey sleeping beauty. How'd you sleep?"

"I would've slept better if you stayed in bed with me," she put her lip out in a pout.

"I know, I know, baby, but Isabelle and I are going to be studying all day. The early bird gets the worm," Jane looks over at Isabelle.

We met Isabelle our freshman year. She is one of the first people who befriended us.

"Can Raya study with y'all today? I have to go make up an exam for a class I missed today."

"Yes I'll take her don't worry about it love. Is she still asleep?"

"I think she's watching tv."

Rayea is practically ours. Sam comes around every once in a while, but doesn't know of responsibility. As for Nora, she wants nothing to do with the three year old. Jane and I of course don't mind keeping her. We've had her for the past two years.

"Rayea!" I yell calling for the three year old. She comes running out of her room.

"Wes momma," her hair is disshelved and her face is stained with chocolate.

"Did you get into my chocolate? Is that why you were so quiet?" She shakes her head and Jane chuckles.

"Let's get you dressed. Your going with Talia and Isabelle to go study," Jane walks over toher and takes her by the hand.

"Stwudying is no fwun!" She pouts.

"I know, but we'll get ice cream afterwards," I assure her as Jane takes her hand and leads her down the hall, "sorry. I forgot about the exam she missed this week. She took Rayea for me when it was my day."

Isabelle shook her head, "it's fine Rayea is my little homie."

I laughed, "Thank you again for doing this with me."

She shrugs, "It's no biggie. I had nothing to do today anyway."

Some minutes later Jane comes back with Rayea on her hip. Her hair is now brushed and pined to the side with a bow, she wears a mustard yellow sundress, with white flats, and a necklace.

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