C H A P T E R 14

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I saw the way they looked at each other and for some reason I just couldn't get over it. I've known Natalia for a short while, but in that short while I've fallen for her Hard.

"Jaleena baby are you ok?" She whispered in my ear.

"Hmm, yah I'm fine," I looked into her light green orbs.

"Are you sure? I parked five minutes ago and you're still sitting there."

I looked out her car window. We were in fact parked in a parking spot at the beach.

"Oh right, let's go!" I opened the car door.

"I'll meet you there Jane still needs a swimsuit."

I nod my head, "Ok meet you there."

She leans over and joins my lips with hers reassuring me. She may not know that she's reassuring me, but I know. I pull back and smile.

"Hurry along now," I hop off the car and head towards our spot on the beach. Just as expected everyone was already there gathered with coolers.

"You made it at long last!" Lindsey was the first one to greet me.

"Natalia wasn't driving like a maniac for once so we arrived a bit later," at the mention of Natalia Lindsey frowned.

"You were with Natalia?"

I smiled, "I'm with Natalia."

Jonna joined in the conversation, "Oh cool where's she at? We miss the party queen."

Lindsey shook her head.

"Back at the car with Jane she needed a swimsuit."

Lindsey let out a breath of air and laughed, "Phew for a second there I thought you were actually with her!" Lindsey laughed along with Jonna and Carly.

I frowned.

"Did you mention Jane?" Sam asked. I smirked as the plan of getting rid of Jane formed.

"Yes, Jane," I said her name slowly and turned around to face Sam, "do you still have a thing for her?"

"Of course she's fucking hot. Natalia would never let that happen though," Sam frowned.

"She's obviously straight though so you have a better chance with her than Natalia does," I shrug, "who knows maybe Jane even secretly has a thing for you," I smirked.

His eyes widened, "Jaleena what do you know?" He asked I just put my hands up in surrender.

"Hey guys!" Natalia appears behind me along with Jane behind her.

"Natalia! Long time no see," Sam greeted her.

"Y'all must've thought I was dead," she laughed.

"Death has no hold on you," Lindsey spoke and handed her a beer.

Natalia sat down on one of the folding chairs and Jane stayed close by her side. I looked up at Sam who was eyeing the girl. I swiftly walked over to him, bending down to get into the cooler. I whispered a swift, "go after her." 

After grabbing a beer, I shed my bathing suit cover that's started to stick to my sunscreen.

"Jaleena! Ouu you dirty girl! Who are those from?!" Jonna asks, pointing down to my stomach. I look down and notice the line of hickies.

Blushing, I walk to stand next to Natalia who pulls me down on her lap. Everyone gasps, "just remember we all warned you," Lindsey spoke, eyeing me.

"I'm literally sitting right here guys!" Natalia spoke laughing.

"So, girl we all know you know that you're a player," Jonna spoke, popping open a beer bottle.

I look over to see Sam talking up a storm with Jane, while Natalia argues with Lindsey and Jonna. Natalia only notices the two when they begin to walk away together.

"Hey, Hey, hey, where are you two going?" Natalia stopped them standing up and me falling into the sand.

"Just on a little walk that's all Natalia," Sam was the one to respond to her.

"Hum I don't trust you Sam. Carly wouldn't mind going off with you."

I roll my eyes.

"I don't mind at all," Carly confirmed what Natalia said. Sam groaned as Carly ran to join them.

I stood up from sitting in the sand as Natalia sat back down. I sit to straddle her waist.

"Babe, Jane can speak for herself she's a smart girl," a frown lingered on Natalia's face.

"You don't know Sam like I do. With him it's smash and dash."

I sigh, kissing the frown off of her face.

"Ok lovebirds let's get in the water, it's hot as hell out here," Jonna said, ruining our moment.

"Ahh that babes is because I just so happen to be Lucifer the angel," Natalia smirks.

"You use that line way too much. Get your fat ass up and into the water."

"If you say so," she stands up with me still straddling her waist I squeal.

"Hahaha I can walk," I told Natalia.

"Are you sure you can? I don't know after last night," I playfully slapped her arm and she put me down on the burning hot sand.

"Ouch ouch ouch! Hot hot hot," it was like playing hot potato but with sand and my feet.

"You want me to carry you to the water?" Natalia offered. I nodded my head.

She picked me up bridal style and practically dumped me in the ocean. I scream.

"Natalia I'm going to get you." she laughs and runs further out into the ocean with me rolling right behind her. 

Short chapter that was long over due.
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