You and Me

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And we continue to look at each other. No one dares to move. He is more handsome than before. His blue eyes, his straight nose, his white skin, his jaw that is so perfect, his light brown hair that's neatly combed and his lips...his lips.

He's so masculine now and really tall. He is wearing a corporate clothes and it fits him really well. I wanted to hug him, but I can't. My heart is screaming. I think I'm beginning to break down. I feel my body stiff and I can't move even my fingers. I am drowning at this moment.

It's really you.


I can't believe she's infront of me. The girl who turned me into this heartless man. I continue to look at her face, she's so pretty. I mean her beauty is really outstanding. She's totally grown up now with her straight, oh a little wavy and long auburn hair. Her green eyes that sometimes change in color, her nose, her heart shape face and her pink cute lips that looks so soft. And her body. She's so sexy in her long light blue top that I think folded thrice upward and darker blue skinny pants and heels. She's really a goddess.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I remember the pain that is lingering inside my heart. And one thing is for sure. I can't let this woman to ruin my life again.

'' Ahem ...Ahem..'' my father cleared his throat reminding us that he's presence is also with us.

'' Hey! are you two will just stare at each other???? ''

I know we both heard him but neither of us dares to talk nor move. We are like having our own little world, so my dad's right hand grabbed my hand and his left hand to Nicole's free hand. He forced us to shake each other's hands. I withdrew it abruptly as if I was like get burnt by her touch but in the contrary it was cold like ice and so as mine.

''Hey do you know each other?'' My father asked glancing at me then to Nicole.

''Y..yes.'' I replied

God why I 'm stuttering? you stop it stop!!! - I told to my self.

'' we're schoolmates during highschool '' I continued. Nicole just nod as a reply with a pain or guilt in her eyes,  well I don't know and I don't care.

'' Well that's good then, but that's odd I didn't see you before but anyways that's a good start. Nicole have you eaten???''

Nicole look at my father and shook her head with an awkward smile on her face.

'' Then let's eat first ''

'' but dad I have a meeting this afternoon, you two can eat by yourself, see yah ''

I turned my back letting myself looks cool even inside of me I was like having firecrackers.

'' Hey !! you're going with us. I cancelled your meeting because I know you're going to make it as an excuse and I was right '' he chuckled.

I frown and before I say anything dad handed me nicole's luggage as they both walked outside hand in hand with me walking behind them feeling really frustrated.

The drive towards the restaurant was peaceful meaning we're not really talking. Just my father sometimes, he surely has a big mouth.

Me and Nicole sitting side by side at the backseat because my father doesn't want me to be in front. He told me that its not right for him to be the one beside Nicole so I raised my both hands telling him ''okay fine. I'll be the one ''.

I really feel uneasy I know she feels it too. Looking at her at the side of my eyes I can easily say she's tensed.

Then here we are at the restaurant.

We sat and ordered, nothing unusual my dad with his non stop talking and Nicole who is laughing that reminds me how angelic her sound was. And me nothing just rolling my eyes and finishing my meal as fast as I could.

Then after a while I excused myself and went to the washroom. In my way back I bumped into Nicole. I don't know if she planned it or what..well I don't care. I hate her. Then she open her mouth and say...

'' It's good to see you again, Sasha'' I darted her a killing look.

''Sasha?? how dare you to use that to me after all that happened. You don't have the right to call me that. The last time I checked there's only one girl who used to say that name and she died a long time ago '' I angrily told her as I walked my way out to be with my father.

She's not literally dead but she is to me.


He left me behind with a shocking image and hurt in my eyes. His words striked me directly into my heart and if words can kill I'm so dead by now.

Unknowingly, tears fell down from my face. I took a moment inside the washroom to fix myself and when I got back to our table Jeff is nowhere to be seen.

'' Jeffrey headed first to the office, something came up so I let him go and I'll follow him after I get you settled so I think we better get going and go to the penthouse for you to take your rest '' Uncle thomas said sweetly.

I nodded and smiled to him.

As I put my things to my room I briefly scanned the penthouse. It's huge and beautiful. It has 2 big and fancy rooms (I'm thinking why there are two rooms), kitchen, bathroom, living room and a big television, everything is perfect and this place will be my home for couple of months before the class in my last year in UNI begins.

I went back to my room and let my tired body fall in the soft mattress. My head resting to one pillow while I'm staring at the color beige ceiling when words of Jeffrey came rushing back to me.

He really hate me, hate that he can't even look directly at me and told his father that we were just schoolmates.

Why it has to be him? I wish it's not him but half of me was glad that my soon to be fiance is the guy I longed for so long. But it wouldn't be that easy. I hope things will be like how it used to be...

A stray of tear falls down in my face as I remember the Highschool days.

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