Ruining Him

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It's been 3 weeks since Sasha stayed with me. Everyday we gotten much sweeter. He became my personal driver going to school and back. Became my house helper doing the groceries and shoppings. Helps me with my studies - errr okay just kinda. Cooks for me and other things you can think of a good boyfriend will do. Well lucky me right?

On the other hand Hannah my super good friend had this different definition of me wanting a ''private lovelife''.


Well guess what' she just announced to the entire School that I'm no longer available to any admirers or suitors, that I have this God like boyfriend who dearly loves me and that he's super duper rich!

So lots of students especially my other friends wanted to meet him. I told them he's a busy person goes here and there to meet clients and thankfully they stop harassing me.

But still there are some who continue stalking me everyday. I'm not a celebrity and I act normal everyday but maybe I'm popular since then because of my family, well who knows.

'' hi Nicole so where's your man?'' Jess asked, one of the hottest student in UNI and also my friend.

'' Jess he's busy '' I replied and she just rolled her eyes.

'' when can I meet him? you know that almost OKAY not almost ALL the students here wanted to see the man who win your heart. We all know that the hottest guys here are so into you especially Andre and Clint the captains of basketball and football team. Girls drools over them but you just ignore them just like that' how can God be so unfair with beauty '' she vocalized as she rolled her eyes again,

'' Well God is not unfair. He gives to us the things we just need'' I replied smiling a bit

'' and you having it all, virgin Mary! ''

I chuckled after what she just said about me being the virgin Mary. I shook my head as I put my books inside my locker and locked it.

'' No you're wrong I'm not having it all '' I am still smiling at her when I heard my phone ringing. I pulled it out from my back pocket and checked the caller id - it's jeffrey

'' Hello? '' I answered

'' I'm here already baby '' He said from the other line.

'' okay be there in a minute '' I replied and hung up.

'' Was that jeffrey?? can I come I'm dying to meet the CEO of Bryant's Real State for real '' She said already crossed her arm to mine.

'' okay as if I have a choice, I think my arm will crack anytime soon the way you hold onto it.'' I smiled at her.

'' sorry, I just don't want you to go out without me.'' She said looking earnestly to my eyes.

I just sigh

'' fine whatever'' and we both chuckled.

We went to the direction jeff have told me where he parked his car. I easily noticed his back and he's talking to someone in his phone. He's pacing a little bit and his hand was inside of his pocket.

''I knew for certain that something is up''

then I saw him hung up.

On the other hand Jessica who is feeling so excited to meet him was busy doing her search.

She glanced here and there to spot Jeffrey doesn't know the fact that few more steps then we're there.

Jeff turned around and wave at me smiling. He's wearing his black shirt with black blazer with some touch of white in the corner and dark blue fitted pants plus his sneakers- yes! he loves to wear it sometimes and he looks stunning as always.

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