Drunk talk

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It's been 3 days since the incident. Jeffrey become so much protective of me. He's always checking on me every now and then, calling me and accompany me wherever I go.

'' Jeff I can take care of myself. No one can do bad inside the laboratory. I'm really fine '' I told him almost pushing outside the room.

'' May I remind you it happened inside the office, if there are doors then it is not safe '' He answered with worried eyes.

'' Jeff look I really appreciate all of this but you have work to do. Promise I will be safe trust me would you? '' I walked to him standing just an inch away. I hold his pretty face and its so tempting to kiss his lips.

He hold my other hand and put it into his lips as he finally surrender.

'' Okay fine just please take extra precaution okay? I don't know what I'll do if something bad happen to you '' he mumbled against my hand then kissed my cheek.

'' I'll call you more often '' he added before letting go of my hand and left.

I make my way to my table and start my work not fading the smile on my face. We are acting  like a couple without a hurtful past.

Yeah our hurtful past but maybe I just really need to let go of it.

'' Someone's happy. '' Nathan said while fixing his glasses. He halt infront of my desk and stare. Anyway he always do that.

'' Hey what's up Nathan? '' I told him kissing his cheek.

'' Hmmm I'm gonna miss this kiss when you leave '' He orated with a sad face

'' Hey we still have more time and I surely contact you when I go back to where I belong, you're my best buddy here '' I said pinching his cheeks.

(phone ringing)

'' Wait a second, I'll just answer this one ''

Nathan mouthed the word go.

'' hey Sweetie - hahahaha - okay Gerald, what is it ? - Oh Okay I see - okay see you then. I love you too '' then he ended the call.

'' Boyfriend?? '' Nathan asked

'' No he's my twin brother, just telling me something uninteresting '' I replied smilingly.

'' oh great! I thought you have a boyfriend, good to know you haven't. '' he told seems so happy.

'' why? what if I do have? you want to meet him?? '' I replied changing his mood.

'' Ohh ofcourse '' he told in a low tone taking his seat.

'' Then you'll meet him one day '' I answered as I continue doing my work.


The day ended so fast. I am now in the penthouse watching my favorite drama when I heard someone unlocking the door.

It's already late so who might this could be?

I felt a sudden coldness in my body. It was like someone with an ice bucket have splashed it over me.

But with all the remaining yet dying courage I slowly move my feet aiming for the door. Holding a bat in my hand and ready to attack. I nervously waiting for whoever will come out.

door opens and I instantly swung the bat in my hand.

'' whoaaaa, jesus christ Gwen!!!! '' as the pervet/burglar exclaimed sounding surprise but able to dodge himself from the attack. But wait I know that voice.

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