I'm falling for Gwen

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I'm lying down in my bed hugging my two soft pillows giggling like a 9 year old kid. I looked at my wall clock and it reads 2 in the morning yet couldn't find my slumber for my heart still jumping because of happiness.

Woah!!! Nicole and I were okay now and we had a great time talking and and and..........yeeeesss she hugged and kissed me.

Still feeling how her lips touched and somewhat burnt my cheek and how her smell lingers to mine gives me goosebumps. I harshly throw my feet up in the air and continue rolling in my bed.

My heart still beating like thousand km/hour when my busy brain cells suddenly remembered something that belongs to her. I hoisted up out from my bed and open the drawer grabbing out my little pixie's pink cute notebook.

'' Nicole Gwen Mckenzie''

as I've read it once more, just saying her name makes my heart to flutter even more.

'' Ohh this notebook was her diary '' I said to myself with such amazement, so she was a type of girl who always write about her whereabouts every single day. (still giggling)

I slowly scanned the pages but not totally reading it. I know how girls were crazy about their privacy so I think skimming without her knowledge won't hurt her.

just a little invasion okay jeffrey?

When I was in the middle part of her diary something dropped on the floor. I took it and discovered that it was a broken necklace with the name '' Gwen''.

'' Gwen??? who is Gwen? her sister maybe??? oh I think not.''

I started to pace in my room with my right hand under my chin. I kept on thinking.



'' Aha! I think Nicole's nickname is Gwen! right, coming from her own name '' I exclaimed.

( haha stupid me, it took me a while to realized) geez..

I moved back to my bed and lay down thinking how cute the name Gwen was to her. I get my phone and looked again at Nicole's message a while ago and smiled. I tapped it to open and went directly to write message.

but on the second thought..

Wait wait it's 2 am maybe she's already sleeping.

I stayed there looking at my phone for 15 mins until I made up my mind to send her a message.

'' Well there's no harm she'll be able to read it later anyways''

then I pressed the send button.

I put my phone near my head so that I can easily feel it whenever she replied. (cackling).

*Hoping here alert*

( phone vibrated )

I snatched my phone and open it quickly

New message from NICOLE❤.

I stood up from my bed for the second time, eyes wide infront of my phone screen and later on I found myself dancing.

(but I really don't dance in reality)

and yeah I saved Her name with ❤


I went back to my bed after I had a long conversation with my twin brother, talking about our whereabouts ofcourse. He's studying at Liberty Highschool which should have been my school too but Elena pursued me to enrol at Brixton with her.

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