I'm done (part II)

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I woke up  still  with a worried heart for Sasha. I looked on my phone and it's nothing in there.

'' what the hell is happening? '' I murmured to myself. 

'' I'm now so sure that something is up, but I hope he's okay ''  I sighed.

I fixed myself and went to the company, it's already 8am. I pressed the elevator up and got out not noticing that there's nobody in the hallway.

All I can think of is to see my baby and while I'm getting nearer to his office there were this awful undistinguished feeling inside of me.

I suddenly stopped when Amy got out from jeff's office. She looked terrible with her worried face.

I asked her what happened and she told me that her boss - the CEO turned into monster, he called an urgent meeting just to fire employees and cancel projects that he thinks were worthless.

My eyes widened in horror and couldn't bear what I am hearing.

this can't be! he can't be!

I felt my anger surpassing my limit.

'' What's with him??? ''

Amy cries so I pulled her to a hug as I saw more employees going out with a sad, scowl and hatred  plastered on their faces.

Even Nathan and Wilson were here but how come that I didn't know about this?

Nathan saw me and strode to our direction.

'' whats up? '' I asked then Amy pulled out herself and looked to the both of us.

'' We're doomed! he cancelled our project along with other departments '' he sighed then continue

'' We put all our efforts in there and other's too, but he's heartless, he won't changed!! '' he spat bitterly.

'' I.....I don't know what to say '' I vaguely replied.

I was just so shocked and all I did was shaking my head while glaring down the floor.

'' I'll talk to him ''

Both of them darted  me with their anxious eyes and told me that it's better to give him space or he'll surely explodes!

I ignored them as I start to make my way towards him. His doing was detestable and I can't just sit here and do nothing.

My heart were racing not sure if it's because of what he did today or the thoughts that he kept me waiting last night so worried. I gather myself and open his office door.

'' What was that all about Sasha?? ''  I blurted out. He turned to look at me loosening his neck tie.

'' You care too much, but hey I'm the boss here and I can do anything and cancelling out of something was merely an example '' He replied sarcastically walking up to me until I felt my back against the wall, his face leveled to mine.

'' I...it's just not fair, you know Nathan and the others worked too hard and - ''

He cut me off. His eyes fierced, it was like a dagger that will strike anytime soon and  he open his mouth.

'' It's just about Nathan right?? before there was this other guy and now Nathan. When will I be the guy for you Gwen, did they kiss you better than me, were they good in bed huh!!! ''

I was taken aback and confused  to what he's blabbing. Even I tried to dig deeper at the moment my mind got stuck and not serving me well.

He's very furious and in just a snap he crushed his lips to mine, it was not love it's anger and pain. He tightened his grip to my waist and the other one to my hands. I tried pushing him away  but I couldn't.

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