Jealous Me!

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I woke up with the sound of my alarm, it's 4am but I need to wake up extra early to do my girly routine and go to the company before 6am. I took my bathe and dressed up.

For my OOTD? I picked up light blue skinny jeans, white shirt then a black blazer on top and ofcourse my white sneakers.

Put on a little bit of make up, mascara and red matte lipstick. About my hair, do I need to put it into ponytail or just leave it hanging?? Okay just leave it like that and I didn't do blow dry so fine.. No to ponytail.

I drove to the company and parked my car. It's 5:40 am so maybe he's here already. I don't really have any idea what comes to his mind to tell me to be here this early, wiping away thousand of thoughts in my head I strode towards his office and now standing infront of the door. Taking a deep breath  I knocked gently.

'' Come in''  A masculine voice answered my knock.

I opened the door just to see him standing beside his chair, facing the window and looking down to his watch.

'' Goodmorning''  I greeted.

'' Well not bad for the time huh'' He said as he faced me.

I gulped, he looks way too gorgeous with his white shirt, blue blazer and tight jeans as of his hair? he brushed it up so neatly.

He's a definition of a Greek God.

'' Aheem'' clearing my throat.

'' why it's so hot here?? '' I told him fanning my hand on my face

'' what? it's not '' he smirked.

Gosh am I the only one feeling so hot? maybe the Ac is not working properly.

'' maybe you should call someone to let the AC checked '' I gulped still feeling hot.

Nikki compose yourself, it's just your hormones stop blaming the Aircondition .

wait, who are you?

I'm you too!

what? now I think I'm becoming crazy.

yes, crazy for the man infront of you.

No, I'm not!

Wanna bet?

'' Nicole are you okay?'' he asked making me a little jumpy.

'' Ahm, yea---yes anyway what was the reason that I need to be here this early??'' I asked nervously still in process of putting myself on track.

He walked and halt infront of me. Then continue to walk aiming for the door.

'' Hey, excuse me I didn't wake up early for you to just walk out of me ''

'' FYI, I did wake up much earlier than you think Ms.Mckenzie and I'm not just walking here''  He replied sarcastically walking behind me, making me want to roll my eyes on him.

'' We're going to have the best part of the day '' he added making me to scowl and look at him.

'' We'll have a breakfast, you familiar with that?? I know you are, so let's go I'm starving '' he said mischievously taking steps towards the open door.

I was a bit confused, to wrap it up he asked me to be here at 6am to just have a breakfast with him?

His intention makes my eyebrows to furrowed but the thought of me and him having the most important meal brought my lips to curled up involuntarily.

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