Goodbye UNI

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This is it! after so many years of hardship studying atlast the time has come I'm finally graduating!!!!!!!!!

My entire family are here with me, ofcourse I'm their only princess so they should be here right? *chuckle inserted* and to the fact that all of my achievements were nonsense without them.

Mom, I know you can see me up there' this is for you too. Thank you for everything. I loved you and I missed you so much.

I was like floating in the bliss when my professor called out my name on stage.

Nicole Gwen Mckenzie

oh shit that's me I shouted in excitement inside of me.!!

I  let go of Jeffrey's hand that was holding me the entire time and about to stand.

well yes he's also present, actually he was more excited than myself to go up the stage as honor student and get my diploma. About his chaos / downfall? don't worry guys all are well now. Marcus got his money and the company survives. Jeffrey launched my project that instantly increased the sales and other sort of things not to mention also that they got more business partners in just a short period of time.

I stood up and Dad kissed me on the cheek.

'' we're very proud of you honey, your mom as well ''  his eyes glistened.

'' thank you dad, I love you ''  I smile hugging and kissing him back.

I might not understand him most of the time but what I do know is that, mom was right Daddy loves us more than anything in the world and he'll do everything for our sake and safety for whatever it takes or whoever would come the way.

He cupped my face and say '' I love you more my princess, go up there now they're waiting for you my brilliant child'' He said getting so emotional as he touched his lips on my forehead.

I never seen my Dad being like this for a long time, the last time was during my Mom's funeral and now I know for sure this was my real Dad, his outside shell were full of terror and rigidity, but this is him the real him, my loving father.

I nodded at him as my understanding and glanced back to jeffrey who are standing clasping his hands.

'' Congratulations babe, I love you '' He mouthed fully smile and I smiled back.

I walked towards the stage to get my diploma. My Uni Prof. shook my hand and congratulates me as the same time.

I faced my co-graduates and started my speech saying everything I want to say and looking back to where we started.

It's not my intention to get emotional. I managed it at the beginning of my speech but the joy was too overwhelming and failed to stop myself from tearing up when I was at the moment of saying my thank you and goodbye.

'' Ahm I'm sorry guys if I'm getting too emotional right now it's just I couldn't believe we are now at the finish line as students and tomorrow begins the next chapter of our lives. Thank you everyone for everything for not giving up, for doing your best shot and for being a friend to each and everyone. We might come to the end but this is not our goodbyes right? ''

Everyone yells YES!

'' Lets see each other again, you're the best ever. Your parents, friends and all people surrounding you were very proud of you. I know that because my loveones are all here despite of their busy schedules, they made time for me.''  I paused a little bit looking to my prof. and asked permission to say few personal words to my family which they willingly granted.

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