Best Night Ever

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'' hey I've been looking for you all day long. I texted you and called you. I was so worried, something wrong? '' asked by Jeff as he walked up to me, kissing the top of my head.

After what happened with Nathan I forgot everything even calling Jeffrey and went home. I looked at him with sad eyes.

He sat beside me holding my hand and placing my head into his broad shoulder.

'' what happened? ''

'' You're right, Nathan like me more than a friend, he told me this afternoon ''

His body got tensed but continue to listen while comforting me.

'' I should've known before, why I'm always in this kind of situation, hurting my friends '' I said nearly sobbing. Jeffrey felt the hurt in my voice so he enclosed me to his hug and start to caress my back.

'' Sshhhh it's not your fault, loving you by someone was not your fault and never will be. It was their decision. Love is really magical you couldn't resist it even you wanted to, there was this powerful force that pulls you toward this certain someone your heart and body was aching for. Trust me I know the feeling.''

Hearing what he told bring my lips to crooked up and shivers ran up through my spine.

Here he go again saying words that makes my heart to swell.

'' and I've got something to lit you up '' He told happily.

I pulled up from the hug, wiped my tears and looked at him.

He opened his right hand discovering my promise ring. I was like 'awe'

'' how did you get this? '' I asked grabbing it to his hand.

'' I asked Wil to return it back to me, he might use it to come near you in the future and I don't trust him any longer ''

His voice filled with stiffness. I touched his arm and we fell into silence, it's like our hearts were the one that talking. I gulped as I saw his eyes looking down to my lips.

And a second later he touched his lips to mine. I felt hesitation in him to move as I become like mannequin, it's because ofcourse I was stunned!!! freaking shocked!! then he kissed me passionately after I finally kissed him back.

He pushed me and now we are lying on the couch. He hovered himself above me as I encircle my hands to his neck pulling him even more.

I opened my mouth and felt his tongue savoring me as I did the same thing. His right hand hold my waist while the other went under my shirt.

I felt a sudden gush of cold air touched my flesh making me moan. He kissed me down to my jaw and the sweet spot on my neck. I think I'm gonna die anytime soon with the pleasure he's giving me.

I heard him moan lips curled up knowing that he feels also what this moment was giving me. He continue his work and he's now in between my legs, his hand found my soft orbs and started massaging it.

'' Hmmmm perfect, I really want to remove this soft and tiny cloth of yours '' He teasingly murmured as he was breathing heavy.

'' stop talking and keep going '' I told him in a husky voice. He smiled deviously and kissed me again. We are in the middle of making out when we heard a loud knock at the door. We didn't pay attention to it and continue kissing and again there's the knock much louder this time..

'' damn'' jeff hissed as he pulled himself up from me and fixed ourselves. He smiled before heading to the door.

My heart still racing. I touched my lips and couldn't believe that I already missing his lips eventhough it was not that long since we parted to see this someone who stop us in our moment.

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