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Weeks passes by so quickly and all things are in accordance. You know just doing this and that so smoothly everyday. Elena and I plus our other friends Natalie, Jen and lily always having our own routine girly thing and the great news is the shadow of that Jeffrey guy and his absolutely not so kind goodies friends are nowhere to be seen, so yeah it's been a great past few weeks indeed !!!

I was sitting silently waiting for my class to get started when a crumpled paper was thrown on top of my desk which is becoming a routinely activity to me.

I opened it and read the note asking me to go out again. I looked at my back to see Taylor waving his hand waiting for my reply.

Taylor is kind and a hardworking student - a nerdy type actually. The type of guy that most of the hottest but mean girls won't even dare to stay so close to him for about 10 seconds, but don't get me wrong because I like him but not the kind of like that is really like - you know.

He pleaded by mouthing me please for the nth time now but I couldn't give him a false hope. I know he will be hurt in the end so I declined him once more by shaking my head and mouthing him sorry that I believe becomes my favorite word for using it quite for a while now.

I fixed my eyes infront and my thoughts evaporated when our teacher gets in asking for our project.

Yeah my project, God what's wrong with me, I forgot it in my locker.

Remembering it I waste no time and raised my hand to ask permission to get it and Ms. Amanda granted me out.


I'm staring at her while walking towards her locker and trust me I might actually look like a lunatic for grinning from ear to ear hiding myself at the back of the trashbin.

here she comes! go open your locker (giggling)

'' where's my project???I know I put it here''

she's talking to herself, forehead creased and pouted lips., that's the signals!

With that I carefully and silently make my way towards her.

''Looking for this???'' I whispered behind her ear. She gasped in shock then turn her body to me as she fixed her green eyes to mine.

'' How did you get that? you open up my locker without asking my permission?!'' She bursted out raising an eyebrow to me as she tried to yank it out from my hold.

''I have my ways ms. Newbie'' when she fails to do so I winked and stick out my tongue at her.

''Give it back to me!..'' she crossed arms.

''No!!!! hahaha this is important right??? this is my revenge to you''

With the naughtiest thought I had in mind. I let her watch me tearing her project into two and sending her a devil smile and dropped it on the floor afterwards.

''No!!!'' she shouted making her face so red and her green eyes turned darker.

'' how dare you, you don't know how much effort I put into this. Y- you're such a loser jerk!!'' she spat bitterly.

She clenched her hands into fist and it's visible in my eyes how her chest rising up and down.

'' What did you just called me? a jerk??? no one is calling me that!''  I exclaimed pointing my finger at her.

'' No one ever calls you that then I will be the one'' she replied as she gets down trying to save her project that I tore apart.

Getting out of words to tell. I stomped out loud and leave her like that. I couldn't tell if I'm totally happy to what I've done because seeing here almost crying makes my heart aches.

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