The Promise Ring and the First Kiss

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'' Goodmorning sir ''

The typical thing I am hearing from my employees. Sometimes I greeted them back or give them a nod but most of the time I just continue to walk not saying anything or even glancing at them, that's me!

According to them  I'm strict, rude and hot  headed. Well what should I say they got it right, that's so me. And to add on the list, I'm also  the kind of boss that if you pass your proposal for a certain project a bit delay even it's just a second of time, ready yourself because I'll make sure that you will choose to evaporate yourself or die rather than face my anger and be humilated, not totally cool for them isn't it.

So to make the story short. No One, not even single of them wants to ruin my very precious mood.

(well please exclude my friend Wilson) *sigh

I open up the door and speaking of the angel Wilson was sitting on my chair with his feet on top of my desk.

'' What the hell are you doing here?'' I said walking towards him.

'' Goodmorning to you too buddy ''  He answered helping himself out of my chair with a frown on his face.

'' What's the matter? It's 8 am and you are here with that face??'' I questioned him as I placed my things on my now available desk.

'' Well........I'm pissed!!! '' he blurted out throwing his hands up in the air.

'' Just say it Wil or I'll drag you outside ''

'' Wow you are such a great friend jeff, thank you ''

'' Say it and don't waste my time '' I joked teasing more my so now pissed friend.

'' I think she has a boyfriend, I found this '' He open his hand and revealed a beautiful ring with colors of black and violet on it. I took the ring from him. My eyes doubled its size when I realized that the ring looks familiar to me.

'' Who is the girl you like Wil? '' I asked in monotonous manner afraid that my voice will betray me from my real  inner feelings.

'' The hell Wil are you deaf ???? '' I shouted when he didn't answer me automatically.

'' For godsake jeff!! stop shouting you  are adding the pain in my head, jesus christ!'' he said rubbing his temple in circular motion. I'm waiting for him to say the name and finally he burst it out after a minute later.

'' It's Nicole '' he said snatching the ring in my hand.

'' Who?? '' I asked once more to confirm if what I've heard was right.

'' Nicole Mckenzie, does it ring a bell?'' he said once more sliding the ring in on his side pocket.

I sat on my chair afraid that my trembling knees couldn't support me any longer.

'' But anyway even she's with somebody I'll make her mine, maybe this ring means nothing '' He continued and walked outside leaving me in the brink of thinking.

Why she still have that ring?? was it because she still cares for me.? No no no This is not happening maybe she's toying me again and planned all this to play with my emotion . Damn!

But thinking of Wil liking Nicole really makes me hate him. I don't want him to like her, I don't want any guys to like her. She's mine -------- well she WAS mine.

I looked at my wrist watch and  it's already 7 pm.  All day, all I am thinking was that ring and Nicole. It keeps running here and there without pausing even a second.

Shaking off the idea for the final try ---- yes just the word try because even I tried for so many times I didn't able to push away the picture of the ring and the face of Nicole.

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