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I wake up with the sound of my alarm another alarm

in 3......2.......1


Told you guys! well that's my Dad my second and the most loudest alarm clock in the whole wide world.

He thinks that I am not awake yet and how can his voice so loud knowing our house is so big, that sometimes you might think that you're literally alone geez...God!

'' Yeah I'm coming down in a minute '' I answered blowing off all the oxygen in my lungs to surely be heard by him.

To start my day, well first I need to freshen up, with half eye closed I slowly go to the direction of my bathroom, took my bathe, cleaned my teeth, my grooming and blah blah everything.

I just don't feel going to school again and actually I agreed to myself that studying is not the real thing for me. Aha!

After I finished. I went down to join my dad eating breakfast. Eventhough I don't really take breakfast I was forced to do so because if I don't well my dad won't stop to nag until he see me putting food inside my precious mouth.

And hell yeah it just me and my dad - a father and son bonding right * chuckle.

My Mom is busy managing our business abroad. My older brother is taking his college in Europe, and my little brother is with my Mom. So, its just me, my Dad and the Nannies.

'' Ohh in uniform huh,'' my dad said while drinking his coffee and reading his daily vitamins - newspaper.

''Yeah I guess so. I'm not a bad student after all and it's the first day high so give me some credit dad'' I answered wiping away an imaginary dust on my shoulder, he just shook his head smiling.

I almost done with my meal when I heard someone's honking outside. Just hearing the way it honks I know for sure that it was James my bestfriend.

James is like my brother, we went to the same grade school until now. He has a pretty face well not much as mine but that's enough to make girls look at him so dearly.

And yes he's a player, in 17 years of existence he got 15 ex's , how he did that?believe me I really don't know either that's a tale to tell.

Munching the last muffin inside my mouth I grabbed my bag and bid my dad farewell. I walked towards the main door and saw pretty james waiting outside.

'' Well well well, how are you bro? '' I asked fully grinned as we do fist bump.

'' You know the answer ''  he winked at me matching to his dancing eyebrows - feeling cool as always!

'' What?? new girlfriend? hahaha you doesn't change even a bit, really! . I don't know what these girls sees in you or maybe they are totally blind'' I poked him as we both burst out laughing.

'' well maybe my grey hair?? hahaha, you should find your own girl dude, there's a lot of them having a crush on you, maybe Anika?? she's good to you.''  he said leaning against my shoulder with the most annoying cutie patotie make out puppy eyes of him.

He continue making fun of his eyes until I pushed him hard away from me making him growl like a hostile animal.

'' Nah, girls is definitely a source of headache and I don't believe in love. It's just like a fantasy, you know a shallow emotion that can easily get rid off and for the sake of your small brain I repeat Anika is just a friend '' I uttered pulling out my phone from my side pocket looking for something that's not there.

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