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Third person (POV)

'' if that Jeffrey guy thinks he can have you that easy then he got it wrong. I was not born to be a loser. I'll make sure he'll suffer for stealing you my precious Queen. You'll be mine - all mine'' develish laugh.


Sasha and I become more sweet to each other this past weeks. The entire company knew that we're dating. He's doing great - with that word great meaning he smiles a lot, treat his employees well, delivers jokes even in his meeting and always in good mood. Well I think everythings in place.

'' my princess, are you ready to go '' speaking of my sweet boyfriend.

'' yes''

I replied sweetly as I grabbed my purse, took off my laboratory gown and walked towards him.

'' Nathan we'll go ahead now, take care going home '' I waved him goodbye

'' aye aye ma'am '' he replied and waved back.

Ooopps yes guys. Nathan and I were now okay and still good friends. He decided to let go of his feelings knowing that I won't be able to return it back, he easily accepts the fact that I only love him as my friend.

We walked towards the exit hands entertwined and everybody were looking on us as we passed them by.

'' I think we are the couple of the year '' He whispered in my ear giving me shiver.

I chuckled and say '' they just amazed by you ''.

'' No they were amazed by you '' he said as he kissed my temple.

We went to the parking lot for his car and he open the door for me.

'' Here you go, you can get in mi amor ''

'' so chivalry is not dead yet huh '' I told him as he winked at me.

But before I got in Wilson called my name from the distant. I stopped and wait for him as he jogged his way to us.

'' Hey '' he greeted pertaining to the both of us.

'' What is it Wils? '' Jeff asked filling the space between me and his friend.

'' relax buddy I mean no harm, just wanna talk to Nikki '' he told calmly holding his hands up high as a sign to just chill out.

Jeffrey looked at me from behind. I nodded giving him the hint that it's okay with me and he just sighed.

'' okay, but if ever you do something-- '' Wilson cut him off and say

'' I won't do anything okay relax......''

'' You can't blame me wil. I know what you did before with that girl '' Jeff replied bitterly

'' It was in the past, I was so young then and I will not do anything to harm Nikki ''

And Wilson turned to me.

'' Nikki I know what I've did was completely and insanely wrong. I didn't mean it I was just so in love with you ''

Jeffrey cleared his throat

Wilson looked at his friend instantly, forgetting that he was there with us. He smiled to his friend then looked back at me.

'' and my judgement was clouded by my feelings. I.....i'm so sorry. I hope we can still be friends.'' He stated.

'' Look. I forgive you Wil don't worry I know you're a good person, it's just... I am not capable of loving you back the way you want me to '' I replied cautiously choosing my words.

'' I know and I know that I couldn't win this battle even I wanted to. He's always be the man, I knew it from the start that you're the girl he really loved'' he said as he tapped jeffrey's shoulder.

Wilson extends his hand for us to shake hands and I willingly grabbed it.

'' friends?'' he asked.

I smiled and copied what he said

'' friends'' then we let go.

'' But if fate open up an opportunity for me to get you, whatever means that would be, I'll grab it!''

He seriously teased but before Jeffrey hit him Wilson ran as fast as he could laughing.

'' I'm just kidding!!!!! goodbye and thank you Nicole '' he shouted as he gets in to his car and drive.

'' idiot ''

Jeff blurted as he smiled, but still wondering if his friend mean what he just said.

I hold his hand and gave him a reassuring squeeze meaning that no one will take me away from him, and with that he nod his head and let his white teeth to say hi from the inside of his mouth.

'' don't worry '' I told him

'' I won't, Let's go home? '' he asked kissing my hand that he's holding.

'' let's go home ''

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