It's Her

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I really don't know what kind of trap or drama my father is setting me up. I just can't picture out myself with someone other than her.


Just thinking of that woman never fails to make my heart swell just like having a cardiomegaly, but then I feel pain followed by anger. No, hatred is the right term.

I just couldn't believe myself I used to like a girl who's 3 years younger than me, well I'm not that old for her and age doesn't matter anyway but tssk!!! why I'm thinking about her all of the sudden?? She tore me apart. She was the ''first'' and ''only'' girl I used to like back then but she did hurt me, she made me look like a fool and I can't forgive her to what she have done.

I feel my anger rising just simply thinking of her. I started to fidget inside the car going to the airport to meet this someone/ whoever she is...

''are you okay?'' asked by my father sitting beside me at the backseat.

''I think it's a little bit late to ask me that question dad, knowing that you are trapping me with this kind of drama.'' I answered him with slight irritation in my voice.

'' I'm sorry son but even me can't stop this from happening. You know our ancestor and hers had this aggreement before you were born, and we couldn't break it just like that ''

'' David should be the one in this position and not me. Chloe is my girlfriend dad, what would she say?? '' with all the negativity in me my hands turned into fist and my dad greatest response??? guess what! A SIGH, yes he just sigh...a long and deep sigh.

'' Chloe will understand and by the way you'll just meet her and lets see if things work out between you and Nicole '' dad continued. He's really unbelievable. What wait, what's the name?

'' Nicole??? '' I repeat frowning my forehead with the question mark written all over my face.

'' Yes her name is Nicole. I met her before. She's beautiful and really smart. I think you going to like her. '' he said with a smirk.

'' Dad does she have a second name by any chance? ''  I asked with  sweats starting to develop in my hands.

'' What kind of question is that?? Does second name important?? '' he replied skeptically touching his temple with his pointing finger.

'' Yes dad, so just answer the question. Does she have?? '' I asked again raising my eyebrow and cross fingered behind my back.

'' I think she have, but I forgot what that is ''

Now holding his chin with his hand dad look outside the window as I nervously ran my right hand into my hair.

What are you thinking jeff, there are many Nicole in the world its impossible that she's the one you've once knew.

I shut my eyes closed throughout the drive trying to push away the possibility that the one that we're going to meet is the same Nicole from the past.

I was nearly to doze off when I heard my dad say.

'' We are here ''

I instantly open my eyes and readied myself for the encouter. All of the sudden I find my heart beating faster than usual and I couldn't be able to move my legs.

What's happening?

''Jeffrey, you coming?'' asked by my dad while making his way out from the car.

'' a...ah y....yes dad ''

did I just stuttered? oh men!

I took a deep breath and hold my chest like I'm talking to my organ to stop its erratic beating, as if my heart hears my plea it comes back to normal and I finally managed to move my legs and walk inside the airport.

We went to the ARRIVAL AREA and we waited for this Nicole.

We wait and wait....wait......wait....until I can stand no more.

'' WAAAH this is enough dad, lets go she might not come. We're here for an hour '' I said moving my hands up in the air as sign of my again developing irritation.

'' Hey calm down, haven't you heard that there were a problem occured to the flight from paris?  She'll be here anytime soon''

'' I had enough dad, it's crowded here and I feel my feet starting to sore. I can't take this anymore.'' I told him nonstop and my dad shook his head but the time I turned my back to my father I heard him blurted out the name.

''NICOLE here, WE'RE HERE NICOLE'' and a soft angelic voice answered my father.

'' Uncle Thomas! how have you been???my God I am so sorry for the delay. I should've call you but you know I found it late that they adjusted my flight due to circumstances and I really feel guilty. I'm so sorry Uncle, did you wait long? ''

'' No No that's okay Nicole. I'm glad you're here now'' then they hugged each other and throwing words I can barely hear.

I know that voice! My god Is that really her?? its impossible...

My breathing becomes heavy and fast. I feel like I am suffocating and just like having it's own life and not being me as the master of my own body. I couldn't be able to move nor turn myself so that I can face both of them and I'm not so sure if I want to either.

I was like a statue with my right foot infront and ready to take another step but put to a halt. I'm freezing and my heart feels so uneasy.

lub dub lub dub lub dub

What if my intuition is perfectly right and she's the Nicole I knew?

What if she's the Nicole I used to like?

Everything began to swirl until I feel a  hand on my shoulder.

''Jeffrey she's here, lets go ''

The hand belongs to my dad. He slightly grip my shoulder and grasp my hand not knowing the state I am in. Just thinking that she might be Nicole is literally killing me, until the time came and we both facing each other.

'' Nicole this is my second son Jeffrey, son meet Nicole ''

I slowly take my glance starting from her feet. I'm not sure how many times I swallow the lump in my throat as I travel my eyes on her until I finally laid my sight on her face.

I just discovered something or rather someone from a long time ago and won't able to believe of what I'm seeing now. I know this green eyes, this lips, this nose.the scent.

It's really HER.

And my world stopped spinning!

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