Early Teasing

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Disclaimer: contains sexual content (words and action) skip this chapter if you're not good in reading this. read at your own risk.


I woke up discovering my baby not in bed already. I stretched my arms up with a smile on my face remembering the last night's making out. I tried to put myself up from the bed but the pain down there brought me back down lying.

God I feel sore.!

'' painful? '' a heavenly voice appeared asking me.

I glanced to his direction, he's now in his shorts and blue shirt leaning his side at the door frame smiling at me yet worriness was all over his face. I nodded.

He walked up to me sitting beside me.

'' can I take a look? '' he asked and was about to remove the comforter but I stopped him and dragged the comforter up to my neck.

'' It's a little too late for your shyness don't you think mi amor? I've seen it and tasted you already, right? '' he chuckled as I slapped his arms making him winced and laugh aloud.

'' I hate you'' I mumbled

'' what? I didn't hear you, you what?'' He teased moving his face downward and now our faces we're just an inch a part.

'' I hate you '' I mouthed.

'' what?'' he mouthed back kissing my lips softly

'' say it '' And he kissed me again, in every soft kiss he constantly looking me to my eyes.

'' you what baby''  He whispered to my ear as he nibbled it making me gasp and a moan escapes my lips afterwards.

'' say it''

'' I hate you''  I forced myself to answer trying to ignore his teasing and my so fast heart beating.

'' I don't believe you''

and he go down to my neck trailing kisses further to my chest as he managed to move down the comforter just like a piece of cake.

He put kisses to my twins and I involuntarily arched my back that signals him to suck it more and he did.

Oh I think this is our morning sesh and I instantly feel my sored mini me down there getting damp and I moan again.

He suddenly stopped removing the entire comforter and throwing it onto the floor making me so vulnerable under his lustful yet concerning eyes.

'' Owww '' He said eyeing me there while me trying to cover it up with my hands.

'' don't ''

he sat down on the mattress grabbing my hands and parting my legs widely open turning myself to blush and more.

He gulped.

'' You are a goddess my princess and I wanted to take you once more but then I won't do that. I need to fix your soreness and I'm very sorry baby. ''  he said with so much emotion in his voice while making an inspection on it.

He smiled and I know the reason, he noticed my it glistening from all his torturing kisses and by just him simply looking.

'' stop looking at it '' I said shyly not focusing my vision on him.

'' hmmm I can see how ready you are but I'll say NO to you at this moment and I want you to beg for it ''  he teased using his most sexiest voice closing my legs in the process.

I darted him a fierced look and kicked him to his chest making him to fall out the bed.

'' thud ''

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