Missing Her So Much

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3 months later

'' Jeffrey wake up!! ''

I felt someone shaking my shoulder, the hell who and why this bastard is waking me up?? I don't want to I want to sleep in a deep deep sleep.

'' Jeffrey, wake up!!!!''

Now whoever this man is, he's shaking me harder followed by a full blast of sunshine rays to my face.

I pulled myself up from the desk, slowly opening my tired eyes and saw James and Wilson standing infront of me.

'' WHAT??? Close it now, it hurts my eyes!! ''   I shouted at them.

'' you're not in your house jeff, you're at your office for christ sake, look at you you look like hell!''  James exclaimed spreading his arms for me to see the reality that I'm in my office or in hell? oh  I've got a bit confused there.

'' So what? I don't care where I am or how do I look like, but I might give you some credit with that 'cause you are definitely right I look like hell and its the right place for me anyway and by the way who are you to tell me what I need to do?'' I replied sarcastically as my lips curled up  searching inside my drawer for the flask I've hide.

'' got you ''  I mumbled as I took a sip and rest my back on the chair.

Wilson walked fast up to me and quickly seized the flask out from my hand as he threw it directly into the trash bin making me so annoyed.

'' The fuck Wils what did you do!!!!!'' I stood up and grab him by the collar.

'' This is not you buddy, stop this now do you think Nicole will be happy seeing you like this??''

Instead of loosening my grip in his collar I tightened it more making him choke.

'' how dare you bringing up Nicole to me like that! it was your fault if you just told me much earlier about NATHAN, I should've been fired him and with him rotting in jail she could be still here!!! ''

I spat bitterly as I felt my anger instantly surfaced me. I throw a punch on his face making him to fall down on the floor.

'' I told you so many times, I just learned it on the day of your wedding so tell me how can I tell it  to you when you're so happy, and do you really think I'm going to ruin your wedding  day with that news !!!'' he spat wiping out a strain of blood on his lips.

'' EVEN SO!!!!!!! YOU BASTARD!'' 

taking another attempt of punching him right on his face.

'' Jeffrey!!!!! stop this now, you are just mad, just accept that she's dead already '' James blurted out heavy breathing preventing me from making Wilsons face a punching bag.

He helped him to stand as I walked back to my desk. I let my hands to rest on top of it as I felt a sudden weakness in my body.

'' NO NO NO she's not dead' how can you tell that she's gone if they got the wrong body. I paid them bigtime but all of them were idiots and not doing their jobs properly ''  I told them but now in a weaker tone.

I'm still in denial stage, I just couldn't accept things easily, the fact that she's no longer here with me makes me want to do stupid things.

'' She is Jeff accept it, the authority did their best to search for her body and you kept telling us that they got it wrong even there were evidences telling it's Nicole's but still they give you the benefit of the doubt and they followed you and search for more until we're out of clues'' he paused

'' Even her family surrendered already and trying to accept it. It's been 3 months now and you never been visited her grave even once. The time we held a ceremony for her you also didn't go, and look at you now you are miserable' you always drink even your body couldn't handle it, your eyes it's bloody red and tired...you didn't sleep right? what do you want' do you want to follow her? ''

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