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Looking outside the window, comfortably sitting on my chair, playing my pen in my left hand while the other was under my chin. I was thinking on how to move out in this hell, literally I've been there this past few weeks.

Walking in and out from the company, doing my usual work and other stuffs and hoping that Nicole and I won't crossed paths. Luckily we didn't. Thanks be to God..

Until one night I noticed that I was running out of clothes and decided to go to my penthouse where Nicole was staying. I went there very late hoping that she's asleep.

I unlocked the door quietly discovering that she's in the living room, going to where I am standing. Why???!!!  maybe because to see who  unlocked the door, surely that was it.

We stood face to face, my heart filled with hatred that you can mirror it in my eyes. I just wanted to get my clothes, I don't want to talk to her but she asked me why I was there. Ofcourse that was my place where should I be! right?

Then she called me with that name, the name I thought I will not be hearing again. It striked me in my chest. I'm going to explode and it happened. I shouted at her and she was in terror. I scared her.

She just closed her eyes and before I do anything stupid I walked out leaving her behind. I really felt bad for what I've done but it's nothing compare to what she caused me.

'' Sasha..sasha..''

It keeps repeating in my head. I hate to admit it but I missed that name, I missed her calling me that, no one has the right to named me  but her... I closed my eyes and the past took me in.



'' faster Gwen '' I shouted at her as I tried my best to hide my laughter at Gwen's running skill.

'' I'm tired '' she replied and put herself to a halt, panting and pouting her lips.

'' You're so slow, lets go! okay we'll just walk'' I shouted and I ran  back to her place. I grabbed her hand and shyly intertwined it to mine, we both blushing while taking our stroll going to the beach.

'' Wow!!! this place is amazing!!!!!'' she shouted over excitement. She let go of my hand and ran fast to the water.

'' Come on Jeff!! '' she's waving at me.

I ran up to her and played under the sun like small little kids who are running, throwing sands and splashing the salted water to each other, the best part was when we sat side by side watching the sun going down.

'' It's beautiful '' she said staring at on the beautiful twilight while me on the other hand was looking on her.

'' you are beautiful'' I replied turning her  face to me.

'' you are perfect '' I added and she smiled at me, the most amazing smile I've ever seen.

The scene was perfect. Me plus Her and the beach, the moment.Everything were perfect.

Until a guy accidentally threw a hard object at Nicole's direction. She closed her eyes and readied herself for the pain she about to received but nothing happen.

She opened her eyes to see me covering her, the hard object hit my right arm and blood starting to arise.

The  guy ran off before I could make my run to catch him. I asked Nicole if she's alright not minding my own self who  received the  blunt object.

She shook her head and inspected my arm just to see that it's bleeding too much, she instantly covered the wound with her handkerchief and tied it securely in place.

'' why did you do that? Next time don't hurt yourself just for me '' she said half sobbing.

I cupped her cheek and leveled  it to mine. I wiped out the tears running on her pretty face using my thumbs, her green eyes  was glossy and so soft.

I don't want to end this very moment.

'' It's better for me to be hurt, I can take the pain, I'll do this again if I need to but just thinking of you getting hurt? that's the one I couldn't  take and it's not just you. I did this because it's YOU '' I said with overflowing emotion.

'' thank you, sasha.'' she replied still sobbing

I delivered her a questioning look not getting the name she said.

'' It was a greek name that means protector, from now on You're my SASHA'' and she hugged me so tight.


I opened my eyes and wiped the tears in my face. I am always emotional whenever I think about how we used to be. How I really cared for her, but she threw it all away. Everything.

'' Hey bro. do I look great?'' Wilson blurted out as he slammed the door open making my soul jumped out of me.

'' What the heck Wil. this is my office, we're at work for heaven sake!!!! can you be more proper?'' I said with annoyance.

he just ruined my mood!

'' I'll say sorry to you next time, but not now. I'm going to see my last love '' he said happily ironing his suit with his hands.

'' last love??? '' I repeat lifting up my eyebrows to him.

'' yep! I asked her out for lunch, I kept asking her for dinner but she don't want to, so lunch would be great''  he replied with a big smile on his face.

'' you excited huh, you look great always buddy '' I  stood up and tapped his shoulder.

Then he turned his gaze to the chocolate ice cream in my table.

'' oh when did you start eating ice cream? ''

'' since a long time ago? '' I replied sarcastically, he took it from my desk but I instantly snatched  it  back from his hand.

'' hey just a scoop, I feel nervous '' He said, still trying to get the ice cream and I know he's saying the truth because he looks pale with sweats on his forehead.

'' No! buy your own '' I said with a smirk, trying to make him more nervous.

'' who gave it to you that you can't even share it to me??? it's just an ice cream DUDE!!!''...

'' Who knows, but I hate sharing, who will be your date?? '' changing the subject.

'' Since when you hate sharing?''

Since when? I don't know exactly,one thing I do know is that this ice cream  came from Her, as well as the Coffees and pastries, and the perfume that lingers here every morning. I know it's HER and I don't want to share anything coming from HER.

'' hey!!!'' Wilson yell bringing me back to reality.

'' Oh it's time!!!!!! I'm going to my date'' then he walked fast going outside.

'' Hey you didn't tell me yet the unlucky girl'' I shouted half laughing.

'' Next time!!!!''  He said closing the door of my office.

Going back to my chair. I grabbed my chocolate ice cream smiling. I might hate her but in every simple way she does, she makes me smile.  And I'm starting to think that anytime soon I couldn't be able to trust myself any longer when it comes to her.

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