New Beginning

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6 years back.....

''This is it! inhale exhale! I can do this'' and I started to walk to my new school the Brixton Highschool.

This is the school for I think rich kids? well not all who are studying here were rich, but MOST of the population are. Some get in here because of scholarship and some because their parents really wanted to enroll them to this prestigious school even it means for them to work extra just to pay the expensive school fees.

But me? well I enrolled here because my bestfriend Elena pursuaded me and I think it's not a bad idea after all. I mean I'm going to be with her, who doesn't want to be near with your bestfriend right? and I really love the idea of spending the entire days, months and years with her.

'' HEY NIKS!!!!''

That's her, my bestfriend that's how she named me as I see her running towards me with her big and sweetest smile on earth.

''I thought you gonna be late where have you been, its first day! You've got  to be kidding me '' she told panting and gasping for air for the sudden halt she committed.

'' Ofcourse not, I am not like that., haha, look at you in this early time. You covered yourself with sweats ''  she rolled her eyes but still able to dart me with her duh looks making her so cute that instantly earned a pinch on her cheeks from me. Even she winced in pain, we still able to laugh at each other. After a moment we decided to start walking going to our classroom with arms crossed.

We've known each other as long as I remember, same age same height, same likes and dislikes so literally she's like my sister.

Everyone loves her but ofcourse I'm on the top of her list. I like her for being so kind, so caring, so cute, and for being just her - my bestfriend.

We promised ourselves that through thick and thin we have our backs for each other and not to mention that she's really pretty with her hazel eyes and brown long hair making boys turned their heads and drools over her. Well I'm just beyond lucky to have her, saying the least for all that matter.

We went to our class and the day passed by so fast. It was a smooth day until someone bumped on me while walking to the hallway causing me to fall into my feet.

'' Hey!! '' I said with annoyance as I help myself to stand.

The guy with his friends just gave me their questioning looks.

He looks cute as well his 3 more friends but not my type ooops did I say that? no no no erase erase.

''Hey??'' he said with a smirk on his face

''I think you owe me an apology'' I said to him

'' Why should I??? do you know me???'' he answered with his voice filled with irritation.

'' No, do I have to know you first before you say sorry?'' I fiercely blurted out.

My voice echoed halting everyone around from doing their own thing and giving me their strange looks like telling me to shut up or whatever.

''Hey newbie, what year are you in?? I think you're freshman right???''

'' So what? does it change a thing??'' I said making him look more annoyed.

'' Hey you little pixie, now I will let this pass but next time I won't '' he said arrogantly making his way out without apologising.

Little pixie??? he called me little pixie? how dare he!

Before I could say anything else, Elena appeared from my back and hold me by my shoulder telling me to just stop. She also motions the other students to continue what they're doing and to stop looking at me.

'' Who is that guy?'' I asked still with annoyance.

'' He's Jeffrey Bryant, he's a senior., And the thing is No one wanted to pissed him off '' Elena answered plainly.

'' And why is that, because he is senior? so what?? ''

'' Niks just stay out of his way okay?? please'' my bestfriend looks so concerned and the thing is I don't want anyone even her to feel that way over me.

'' Okay fine whatever '' I rolled my eyes and smiled at her. I let it slip and I just don't want to argue during my first day of school.

'' let's go home'' I added.

3 days after...

'' Hey hey hey looks who's here'' the annoying sound of his voice echoed all over the place as I saw him from the side of my eyes walking towards my table where I'm having my lunch.

'' what do you want?'' I asked weakly not looking at him.

'' nothing I just want to sit here and I think you need to leave this spot''  he said bluntly. I just groaned inside just looking down my tray and continue eating my lunch.

oh heavenly father what did I do to commit this kind of punishment.

Then after a while his 3 friends take their seats with him, they start tapping their hands on the table like its a sort of drums looking at me with their weirdest smiles. Due to the irritating sounds they're making I looked up rolled my eyes to them and sigh.

''Look, I don't know who are you guys but I was here first and I'm waiting for my friend''

I tried not to sound annoyed for the sake of what my bestfriend has told me but I think I failed when everyone who are eating gives their full attention to us.If I say everyone it means All of them.

Really who are these guys?

''Well ahem'' one of his friend with gray hair cleared his throat and told me.

'' Well miss Newbie we are just the Kings of this school'' he exclaimed with a big smile on his face, looking so proud.

I kinda tried to process what he said and when it finally sink into me I burst out laughing.

'' Hahahahaha really you are funny guys, Kings?? are you out of your minds?? the last time I checked this is BRIXTON HIGHSCHOOL not a kingdom so how come that there's a King/kings or whatever in this school???? hahahaha'' I continued to laugh.

I stop myself from laughing my lungs out as I saw all of them got pissed and their smiles vanished especially this Jeffrey guy. I could tell that my words strikes them and  hurt their ego.

My fine hairs from my legs up to my neck grews when I felt that all eyes are on me and murmurs around the school canteen becomes louder.

oh oh...what did I do??

''Look newbie if you really want to have a war I'll give it to you, so from now on be careful! '' jeffrey spat out bitterly making me more tensed and speechless.

what will I do, what will I do???

As I am still processing something intelligently inside my brain, a hand was placed into my mouth shutting me up even I'm not starting to say anything yet.

I looked up to see a panting Elena saying sorry to them. She pulled me up and dragged me away from the table, ushering  me again outside.

'' What now Niks? I told you to stay away from them.''  Elena shouted at me both hands on her hips.

'' I am doing the shut up thing but that punk was the one who came first and why are you shouting at me? '' I snorted crossing my arms infront of me.

'' I'm sorry Niks. It's just they just not the right dudes to pissed off, you know they're rich. I know we are too and most of the kids here too but they're different, they have a hold in this school. I'm just worried about you'' Elena blurted letting her arms up in the air. I know she's concern about me so I just stop myself from over reacting.

'' Hey hey calm down, fine I'll not do anything so stop worrying okay '' I pulled  her into my hug and let my face rested on her shoulder.

'' lets go take a walk? '' I sweetly asked her under my breath as she let a soft sigh before nodding.

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