Jealous Me II

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I had a good breakfast with Gwen, for the first time after 6 years I saw her genuinely laughing because of me and I laughed too, would you believe that, NO? me either.

It's been forever since the last time I felt this kind of happiness. Frankly saying I do hate myself now because I couldn't control the urge of falling back to her, to feel weak and being betrayed by my own self. I was hurt by her and felt hatred for years.

But when I saw her with Nathan and knowing Wilson was into her my feelings/emotion turned 180degrees. I can't! I just can't see her with any other man.

What happened downstair was an example of my uncontrolled emotions. Nathan with breakfast for her and Wilson with his killing smirks and wink.

What if she fell with any of them? Grrr, they both killing me, winning Gwen's heart? I can't let that happen.

She's mine.!!!

I can feel my anger rising again until I heard a soft knock at the door.

'' What is it???? '' I shouted and the person revealed herself - Gwen

'' hey' its me, Im sorry still a bad time? ''

I didn't response to her instead I looked down afraid that she will see the fury in my eyes and give her the confirmation that it was indeed a bad timing.

'' what do you want?'' I asked as she stepped forward and sit on the chair infront of me.

'' are you okay now? I brought you this maybe it will cool you down '' She said handing me a chocolate ice cream.

'' you don't have to do this '' I said maintaining my stiff character.

'' I know but I want to, look I'm so sorry for what happened earlier, I know they shouldn't behave in that manner and I shouldn't also..but please just let it slide and don't be too affected, they just having a kid fight, you know boys sometimes. I'll talk to them, okay '' she told, but got no response from me.

After a moment later...

'' Okay I think I should go ''

Then she decided to make her way towards the door.

'' No!'' I exclaimed as she faced me again.

'' I....I mean you don't have to talk to them, its fine now and....and I....I don't want you to be nea-- ''

before I finish my sentence Wilson appeared from my door. Nice timing...

'' Buddy I'm sorry back then, it was nothing, you know it's just me being me '' He bursted out to me and look suprised as he eyed Gwen.

'' Ooh Ms Mckenzie you're here, why? well cancel the why question because I'm glad you're here and not with that Nathan '' He said playfully with a smirk.

'' Ahem Mr. Peters, please give Nathan some respect, he's a good guy. I think you are being so mean to him and he does nothing to you ''

'' it's Wilson not Mr. Peters. I know he is but I know what he's doing so Yes he surely does something to me and by the way we're going for lunch right? so lets go??? '' he said arrogantly sweet.

'' what do you mean by you knew what he's doing and what the heck he did to you? '' she pries.

'' Ahm nothing Nicole, It's a guy thing but I'll assure you I won't let him win,I'll wait for you downstairs okay '' and he left without saying goodbye to us.

'' really unbelievable '' she sigh and shook her head.

'' you're going out for lunch with him? '' I asked before she forgets that I'm actually there.

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