The Engagement (you as my hero)

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I can't see anything even just a glimpse of light. I was like a blind person searching for a seat when Wilson abandoned me at the center.

I turned my head left and right until the spot light focused on me and to Jeffrey who are standing at the mini stage holding a microphone looking directly at me, then the surrounding gets well lighted and music was played the moment after jeff started to say something.

'' ahem ahem ''

clearing his throat looking so nervous.

'' s...sorry if I am stuttering right now. I am really feeling nervous.'' he paused and gulped.

'' Actually I am not like this but everytime I am infront of this beautiful creature I feel like so not me.'' He paused again and all laughed over his silliness.

Then Elena and James came to my sides fully smiled as they ushered me towards Jeffrey not really getting what he's planning to do and now that we are facing each other he became more nervous and gulped 3 times more before he could be able to speak again.

'' Baby I'm really nervous but I need to do this.'' he started with his face being so red and sweats are becoming visible to his white skin and me still trapped in the darkness.

'' I want you to know infront of our family and friends how much I love you since before. I was not a fan of involving my feelings to anybody but when I met you everything have changed. In our early age you showed me the real meaning of love, you become my friend, my first love and even my enemy ( all chuckled including us).

Fate separated us but it also pull us back together. We've been through countless ups and downs but we fight for our love. I know I'm a pain in the ass but you stayed with me. I pushed you and hurt you but you still accepted me. And during my darkness days that I really wanted to give up it's you who gives me hope. And no words can express how much I appreciate all the things you've done for me and for my family. You are my Hero (he's now tearing up). You are my guardian angel, you are the reason why I'm still breathing and you're the only reason why I'm always crying ( we both chuckled as I wiped his tears with my thumb until I couldn't hold back my own tears from falling down my cheeks).''

'' And I'm so proud of you baby for all your accomplishments. You are not only a goddess because you're everything and I'm so very lucky to have you loving me. And I couldn't see my future without you being by my side. ''

his voice cracked then he kneeled down infront of me holding a beautiful ring. I was like oh my god! but no words came out from my mouth.

'' So baby, my princess Will you marry this jerk and heartless monster kneeling down infront of you who chose to change himself to be perfectly fit to someone like you and be his forever? ''

My lips crooked up with his still doltish delivery yet my tears continue rushing down from my face as my heart wanted to explode from too much happiness.

The love of my life is asking me to marry him, and this was the most easiest question I had to answer 'cause no more thinking is needed to takes place.

'' Yes baby, ofcourse I will marry you '' I answered happily as he put the ring on my finger. He stood up and we kissed and hugged each other.

'' I love you babe ''

We said in unison then our families and friends clapped their hands and congratulates us for our brighter future together.

Third Person POV:

I'm looking directly to the lovebirds who are now engaged. I feel my anger rising up and I curled my hands vigorously punching my thighs under the table not feeling the pain.

'' I won't let the two of you to get married that easy, wait for my final plan, the battle is not over yet and this time you can't take her away from me, so be ready ''

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