Nathan Morgan vs. Wilson Peters

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I feel ultimately happy everyday. Seeing her sitting on her desk facing her laptop with the serious face while writing something down in her notebook. The strands of her hair falling down on her face, curling her lips up and or making a frown face. I'm in a bliss.

The first time I saw her at the meeting I was really captivated. To tell you I'm not really the type of guy who will fall easily for a woman, but the time she walked inside the room my eyes involuntarily fixed on her face and never looked away.

My heart started to race. And when she introduced herself I almost jumped into my seat when she said she's a chemical engineer. Well that's really a tough job and the struggle is surreal but the main reason was knowing that she'll be working under me. OH yes!

I stood up and we shook hands. I was enchanted just looking into her green eyes. That very day become my luckiest day of my entire 23 years of existence. I met her.I know that day I met my first love.


I know myself, I can't be in serious relationship. I'm a type of guy who can't be easily fall into ''just'' someone. I had girlfriends- that's true and just broke up with my recent one.

I am trying to win her back until I bumped to this girl. I grabbed her arm quickly and put her steady. I said sorry to her then extended my hand to introduce myself and ofcourse to meet her.

She looked up and meet my gaze, damn! She was very beautiful. I thought I was imagining it because she really looked like a goddess. Then she accepted my hand and we exchanged our names.

My stomach had this butterflies playing inside, and I couldn't find any words to say - I become speechless.

Then the elevator door open, and stupid me I'm still holding her hand so she asked me to let it go which I abruptly does.

I thought that was the first and the last time I can see her then THE PRESIDENT become an Angel in disguised as he introduced to us the woman who made my stomach hurt during our first encounter.

I asked her if she has boyfriend, Jeff kicked me under the table but I didn't mind him. My focus was all hers.. and that moment I told to myself that I will win her heart as she looted mine.

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