Sneaking out before the Big Day

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'' baby it's done!! it's all set ''  He blurted out lifting me from the floor.

'' oh my god put me down sasha '' I laughed while he still swinging me up in the air.

'' you gonna be Mrs Bryant next week I'm too excited!!''  he told happily as he puts me down and kissed my forehead.

'' me too baby''  I encircle my arms to his neck and involuntarily frown my face.

'' but I have something to ask and your truthful answer is badly needed because it really bother's me for quite sometime now ''

'' what is it? '' he furrowed his eyebrows.

'' why you kept kissing me on my forehead? ''

'' seriously? I thought you gonna ask me about how your super gorgeous soon to be husband did all the preparation ''  he joked throwing his hands up in the air and rest it on his waist.

it's true he did it all, he doesn't want me to get tired. He just asked me for something that what I want and how it should to be done then he do it all - how sweet!

'' yeah I wanted to know, I'm serious here '' I pouted my lips and lightly stomp my feet.

He smiled and tucked my loosened hair behind my ear.

''  kissing on the forehead means you have respect  and you have this deep affection towards someone which I truly believe that is so present in me. I do respect you and I have the entire horizon to show how much I love you '' He sweetly replied brushing his nose to mine.

I become speechless and I couldn't do more than to let a breath taking sigh and smile sweetly to my so so loving and caring husband to be.

I hold his collar pulling him down and kissed his forehead.

'' then I think I'm gonna kiss you in here always ''

'' sure thing then here also '' as he gently connects his lips to mine.

The night before the Wedding

'' Sasha what are you doing here? you shouldn't be here until tomorrow '' I muttered

'' I just want to see my soon to be bride '' He whispered to my ear as he enclosed his arms to my waist.

'' but tomorrow is our wedding, we shouldn't  see each other.''

I barely speak when he started to kiss my nape, not getting enough he turned me around and now kissing my neck.

'' I know but I couldn't take it anymore not being with you is torturing me ''

I quiver when he slightly bit my neck.

'' can we advance our honeymoon?'' he told in a sexy voice.

now my back was against the wall letting a moan escaped my lips.

'' be patient' honeymoon is after not bef--''

'' sshhh '' He stop me by gently kissing my lips

'' okay then lets just do this ''

before I protest he was kissing me again down my neck then to my cleavage. His hands grip my ass resulting me to arched my back, then I heard him say

'' Jump ''  and so I did.

'' baby s...s..stop ''  I said with a raspy voice.

I wanted him to stop but I possess a disobeying body and my mouth keeps moaning - traitors ....God!

He put me down the mattress and thanks to heavely father he stop before I totally lose myself. He lie down next to me heavy breathing.

'' I totally used all my will power for not advancing our honeymoon tonight '' he said laughing spreading his arms widely open.

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