Hey Guys!

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It's been forever since y'all have heard from me, I know. Life is crazy. I met this amazing guy and after a few months of being together, I got pregnant with our beautiful baby girl. She's now almost 9 months old and I couldn't be any happier. I've been so busy and haven't had much time to write. Butttt I have some good news!!

I've recently started writing a new book. It's actually a fan fiction, which I've never done before. I'm really excited about it. It's been challenging to write this book because of me not having any experience with fan fictions. I've read tons of them and I've gotten an idea of how they should be written. I have 4 chapters done but I want to wait until I have the whole book or at least half of it written before I publish it. I think y'all will love it!! I know I do. The characters are amazing and I'm just a tad bit obsessed with the main character. Thank y'all so much for reading my books and I read everyone's comments! I just don't reply to many, which I need to change. Please keep reading! I love each and every one of you! Thank you so much for supporting me!!

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