Chapter 25

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Haydens P.O.V.

Grayson has some nerve mentioning his freakin brother. Mike ruined my life. He's the one that ruined my parents and I's relationship. We used to be like brothers and then he just had to get into drugs. At first I didn't want any part of it but then I noticed he started makin a sh** load of money. He could buy anything he wanted. And by anything, I mean anything. He owned a gorgeous truck, had every girl begging for him, the best clothes, the latest gadgets, could buy his way out of trouble, and so on. I wanted a taste of his life so I asked to help him sell the drugs. Soon, I was rollin in the money. With just a snap of my fingers, I could get whatever I wanted. I slept with a different girl every night, I got drunk and high all of the time, I was never home, and I just didn't give a sh** about anyone but myself. We sold and used the drugs. We weren't addicted or anything. We just smoked for fun. We were having the time of our life. Or we thought we were. It all caught up to us and we were arrested for possession of drugs.  Mike, being the a**hole that he is, blamed it all on me. He said I was the one that started the business and I dragged him along. I was beyond pissed when the police believed him. Since we were under 18, we were sent to juvie. I was sent for a year and Mike was sent for three months. His dad is freakin rich as he** so he only had to serve a month. I, on the other hand, had to stay the whole year. I was released the day I turned 17. They sent me to court and ordered 6 months of probation. I was just released from it about 8 months ago. Mike never had to do anything. It was erased from his record and he just went about with his life like nothing happened, dropping me in the process. His family blamed me for him getting into drugs and being sent to juvie. It was his decision, not mine. My parents blamed me for the whole thing too. Everyone turned against me. I started getting in trouble at school because of Mikes friends trying to take up for him. I was constantly fighting them. The school got tired of my 'bad behavior' and sent me into this da** program. My parents treat me like I'm invisible. They hardly ever talk to me. I used to think no one could ever have it worse than me but that was before I met Chloe. Her life is way worse then mine. I don't want her to find out about my past. It'll just scare her off. I've changed. I'm not and never will be the Hayden I was 2 years ago. I just hope Grayson and Calum keep their big mouths shut.

Speaking of Grayson, that stupid fight we got in caused me to get suspended for two weeks. Grayson just has to attend after school detention for the remainder of the week. Rich kids always buy their way out of everything. They can't face the consequences of their actions. A real man can own up to his mistakes and try to stop from repeating himself. Pu**ies like Grayson and Mike don't want to admit they're wrong. I know I shouldn't have gotten into drugs. I should've told Mike I didn't want to be around him if he was gonna be dealing drugs. But I didn't and I have to live with that. I can't change the past but I can take complete control of my future. And I plan on doing just that.

School ended about 30 minutes ago which means Chloe should be here any minute. We're gonna start meeting at the park every day since I don't see her any during school. You know because of being suspended. I seriously hate that dude and his brother with a passion. Chloe goes home for ten minutes so her parents can make sure she doesn't do anything she's not supposed to do. After they check on her, they leave to go eat so she has around and hour and a half of freedom. That's when we meet up. What surprised me the most is this wasn't my idea. It was all her. This girl is gonna be the death of me. Possibly in more ways than one.

Chloes P.O.V

After I knew my parents were gone, I grabbed my phone and began walking to the park. Hayden and I are supposed to be taking pictures of anything and everything. I've always wanted to try and take professional pictures. Not of myself but of nature and strangers enjoying life with wide smiles on their faces. It's just a silly thing I thought would be fun to try. I told this to Hayden and he figured it would be a fun thing to do while we were at the park. I didn't argue with him. It's definitely something I wouldn't mind spending my time on. As I was approaching the park, I noticed a familiar set of faces near the slides. I havn't seen them in a while. Deciding it wouldn't be a bad idea, I gave them a little visit.

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