Chapter 1

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(A/N BEFORE YOU READ This is only the second book I've ever published on Wattpad so it's not amazing but its not horrible. Of course there's going to be grammar and spelling mistakes. I will go back and edit this book when I have the time. Please do not point out every little mistake. This book is about abuse so some of it's a little graphic. As I continue to write, I believe I become a stronger, better, more passionate writer. I absolutely love to write. It's my safe haven. Well reading, writing, and music is my safe haven. Anyways, DO NOT AND I REPEAT DO NOT COPY THIS STORY IN ANY FORM OR FASHION!!! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. IF YOU DO, YOU WILL FACE SOME MAJOR CONSEQUENCES!!! Please don't be a silent reader! Comment your opinions, vote, and follow!! I will love you forever! A writer needs feedback! Enjoy reading! :D)

"Get up for school, Chloe!! I shouldn't have to tell you!!" My mom shouted, pulling the covers off of me.

"Sorry. I'll wake up on my own from now on."

"Dang right you will!! Get dressed!"

I jumped out of bed and headed towards the small, crowded bathroom. My dad is always in there getting ready when I am. He says he has to make sure I don't look like a whore going to school. I knocked 3 times before entering the premises.

"Brush your teeth. I can smell your breath a mile away." My dad ordered, waving his hand back and forth in front of his nose.

"Yes sir."

Doing as I was told, I brushed my teeth. I'm deathly afraid of my parents. My dad is the scariest out of the two. He hits me the most. My mom just yells and watches him do it, laughing as he tortures me.

I know what you're wondering: Why haven't I reported it to the police?

Well, I've tried, multiple times. Every attempt leads to me crying myself to sleep. Somehow, my parents find out that I'm trying to report 'em. They always know they can force me into coming back home with them. What they do to me hurts in ways words can't express. I hate them with a passion.

After I applied my makeup, I turned to the horrible man labeled as my father and asked him if I was presentable enough to go to school. He took a few minutes to examine me. Once he was done, he had an answer.

"You don't look too slutty. I guess you're okay. Don't wear clothes that are so tight you can practically see your boobs and a**!!" He exclaimed, walking towards the kitchen.

I nodded my head and headed to my tiny bedroom. It's actually a huge broom closet. But as a bedroom, it's small. I looked through my dresser and found a decent outfit for school. I only have 3 shirts and 3 pairs of pants so I'm always wearing the same thing over and over again. I slipped on my oversized Beatles t-shirt, my worn out skinny jeans, and my combat boots. I only own two pairs of shoes; combat boots and vans. My skinny jeans are tight on my bottom, but my shirt is long enough that it hides the tight fit. My dad never notices it. I threw my hair into a messy bun and slowly walked down the stairs into the kitchen. I know my cruel parents are just gonna hand me a single pop-tart and then tell me to clean up their mess. That's my routine every morning.

I crept my way into the kitchen and tried to avoid speaking with them. Like always, my plan didn't work.

My father glared at me, not bothering to hide his anger. "There you are lazy piece of sh**! Eat your stupid breakfast and clean this junky kitchen!! Why is it so messy?!? Do you need me to force you to clean it?!?" He clenched the collar of my shirt, lifting me up just a few inches off of the floor.

"N-No sir! I'll do better." I stuttered, afraid of the man in front of me.

"I know you will! 'Cause if you don't, you'll have to be punished!!" He warned.

I done my signature nod and started cleaning. I hand washed the dishes, cleaned the cabinets, sacked the over flowing trash, swept the floor, and then got on my hands and knees with a toothbrush and scrubbed the floor, making sure not even one speck of dirt was visible. After finishing, I grabbed my old backpack and headed out of the door and waited on the bus. School is my own little way of escaping life at home for 8 hours. I only have one friend, but she is like my sister. I love her to death. She doesn't know about what I go through after school. I don't want her to worry about me. All I let her know is that I'm not very fond of my parents, but since I'm a teenager she finds it normal. If I did tell her, she would report it which would result in me lying to the police officers and being beaten when I returned to my house. My parents would force me into acting like a sweet cheerful teenage girl in front of the higher authority so they would think my friend was just making the whole thing up. It's happened before when we lived in Arlington, Texas. My dad decided it would be best if we moved to a whole other state so they wouldn't be watching our every move. We've been living in Atlanta, Georgia for the past seven years. We moved when I was ten. Yeah, I'm seventeen. Even though I will be a legal adult in four months, I won't be able to leave. They have a leash on me that they will never release.

"Sweety, are you getting on or not?" The old bus driver asked me.

I didn't even notice the bus pulling up.

I forced a smile, making the pain. "Yeah, Sorry. I was distracted."

"It's alright. Just quickly find your seat."

I nodded and walked to the very back of the bus where Lindsey was. We have a seat with our name carved in it. She did that so when someone says 'It doesn't say your name on it' when we tell them this is our seat, we have proof that it is. Very clever that Lindsey is.

My best friend was grinning from ear to ear when I sat down. It's probably about her latest obsession. She's always making a big fuss about this boy band named "In Direction" or something like that. I can never remember the name. She's in love with one of the members. Well, she says she is, but then she says she can't be tied down to one guy; they are all too good looking and talented. I don't know why she even obsesses over them. They have no idea she even exists.

"Guess what!!! Omg!!" She squealed, causing me to put my hands over my ears.

"What?" I chuckled, amsued by her quirkiness.

She smirked. "Well, I've been saving up to get you a present."

"What do you mean? I don't want you spending money that you've worked hard for on me."

"I wanted to so quit arguing and accept my gift." Lindsey spoke, handing me a rectangular box.

I shook it around to see if I could figure out the mysterious object in the box.

"Don't shake it around or you'll break it! Just open the dang thing already." She commanded.

Just so I didn't have to deal with her impatient self anymore, I opened her gift. I ripped the hot pink wrapping paper off and when I saw the picture on the box, I widened my eyes and directed my shocked face towards her.

"Lindsey Nicole!! Why did you spend that much money for something I can't have?!?" I exclaimed, scaring the people seated beside us.

"Because I can and I wanted to. Now, we can call and text oooo and maybe even snapchat if you're up for it!! Don't worry about the monthly bill. I'm taking care of it." She genuinely smiled, turning on the very expensive galaxy S4 mini.

I know these things are around $400. She is seriously way too generous.

I was still in shock, not being able to think of a decent sentence. "I don't know what to say."

"Just say thank you."

"Thank you so much!!!" I replied, giving her a much deserved hug.

"You're welcome. Program my number in there. I want to be your first." She giggled.

I swear, this girl is so childish and immature. Of course, I programmed her number under 'My Bestie! :)'. Now, I hope I can keep this thing hidden from my terrifying parents.

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