Chapter 34

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The young teenager felt helpless, having no hope on a better future. Her mother couldn't control her abusive brother. Ever since their father died, her brother drunk a twelve pack a day. When he was drunk, he wasn't the intelligent, protective brother she grew up with. He turned into an abusive monster that had no control over his actions. She hated waking up to his powerful punches and heart breaking words. It was nothing but torture and she had no way of escape. She was trapped forever in this life of torment. Her mother didn't have the guts to confront him and she knew if she tried, he would kill her. This life wasn't at all what she pictured her future being like. She imagined graduating high school, going to college, getting married, and starting a family. That all vanished into the dark world she now lives in once her father died. She had to quit school and work full time to help support her brother and mom. She was covered in bruises and cuts, formed by long, painful days of abuse. Her brother didn't usually hit their mother; only if she ordered him to do something like wash the dishes or buy groceries. The young woman, named Ferrah, prayed every night for a life worth bragging over. She knew God wouldn't just magically make her life better, but she knew if she remained close with God, life would be a little easier to handle. One of these days, her brother will die of alcohol poison and then she will be free. Yes, she would have lost the two people she used to be the closest with, but at least she can move on and start the life she had always dreamed of having. Hope is slowly slipping from her fingers but she will hold on to it for as long as she can. Until all hope is gone, she will remain strong and smile despite the pain in her chest.

I wrote that short story in just a few minutes, trying to relax my mind. With graduation just being a day and a half away, my nerves are going crazy. The speech and the idea of loving Hayden is just beginning to be too much for me to handle. Luckily, my parents are gone. I have to clean but I don't mind doing that as long as they're not here. Hayden is supposed to be coming over to help but he can't stay long because his family is hosting some kind of dinner tonight. He invited me but we both know it's impossible for me to go. As much as I want to, I know my parents would find out that I was gone.

I put my notebook down and began cleaning. The house was covered in dust and the clothes were piled up. Being the inconsiderate people they are, my parents decided to use my room as a dirty clothes hamper. I don't know how they have any clothes on now since it seems like all of their clothes are on my bedroom floor. The room smelled like a dead skunk and I wouldn't be surprised if I found one underneath all of the filth.

A few minutes into washing and folding clothes, Hayden finally arrived. He bought us some dinner from subway and brung his iPod so we could listen to his music. Apparently his music is better, which is a lie because we both listen to the same music. But I didn't argue with him. I just rolled my eyes and let him think he was right. We've been dancing around the house, cleaning everything to their standards. I don't really care what we're doing as long as I'm not under the supervision and control of my parents. At this moment, I'm free and I'm going to enjoy every minute of it.

"You look sexy when you're cleaning." Hayden stated, licking his lips.

I blushed and looked away, too embarrassed to face him. He can say the simplest things and my heart flutters.

"Don't be embarrassed Adams. It's adorable when you are but you shouldn't be. It's a compliment and you should take it with confidence." He smiled, dusting the ceiling fan.

"Thanks." I smiled, spraying the coffee table with cleaning spray.

"So what are you gonna do when they go on vacation? Do you have any wild plans?" He smirked, winking at me.

"No. I usually just watch tv, eat loads of food, and enjoy the little bit of time I have of being alone and free." I shrugged, wiping the table.

"Well now you have me so you're not gonna be alone." He stated, bumping my shoulder.

I grinned and gave him a huge hug, happy to have him in my arms.

"You're right. I'm not gonna be alone and I'm looking forward to spending two weeks with you. It'll be fun. We can get to know each other on a deeper level and maybe you can help me figure out my feelings and what I want to do with my life." I said, giving him a sweet, passionate kiss on the lips.

I couldn't help but smile and neither could he. Our kiss was broken apart from our happiness and there's not a better feeling in the world. Having him in my arms and knowing he's always going to be with me no matter what makes me feel so....content and protected. Comfortable and loved. I've never felt something so powerful and even though it scares me, I love it. And in this very moment, I think I might of fell in love with Hayden Miller.

"This is going to be one heck of a vacation." He grinned, kissing my forehead.

"It sure is." I agreed, wrapping my arms around his warm body.

We spent the rest of the day cleaning and stealing kisses from one another. Every now and then, I would catch him looking at me. He would just smile and look away, continuing with whatever he was doing. The way he looks at me makes me feel so loved. It makes my heart race and my stomach erupt with butterflies. It makes my mind think of nothing but him and the endless possibilities of our future. By just one look from him, I feel like I can do anything I want and I plan on doing just that.

That's if I'll be able to escape this hell hole.

(Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Happy holidays to those who celebrate. I hope you had a great time. Thank you for reading. Please vote and comment! Love you! :D)

I wanna give a big thank you to those who commented, voted, and followed. You are all amazing and I appreciate your input. Please don't stop! :)

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