Chapter 9

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This only happens once in a blue moon so I'm gonna take as much time as I can walking to the grocery store. I was in awe at how beautiful this world is. Despite all of the horrible people and illnesses or injuries out there, this world is a gorgeous site. All of the colorful plants, vintage looking buildings, ravishing bodies of water, cute and sweet but sometimes vicious animals, and so many more things make life worth living. Even if you don't have the life you would brag about, all of the small things in life are what makes up for the crap we all have to face. As took in my surroundings, I noticed a little girl playing with a dog three times her size in the park. It was such an adorable site. She had the biggest smile plastered on her face as the dog was attacking her with his oversized tongue. She couldn't have been older than seven. Her hair was put up into a tight ponytail with a few strands framing her small round face. She was in a knee length zebra dress with ruffles outlining the sleeves and the bottom. She had on a pair of small black sandals that have a heart where it intersects with her tiny chubby toes. Her parents, I'm guessing, are watching her with a proud look on their face. I've never received that look from anyone. I wonder what it feels like.

"Hey! Come over here and pet Tiny if you'd like. He won't bite." The little girl giggled, gesturing for me to come over.

"N-No. It's alright. I don't want to intrude on your day." I replied, shaking my head back and forth.

"Nonsense. We don't mind one bit. Actually, Kelsey and Tiny need an extra person to play catch with. We would love for you to join us." Her kind mom stated, smiling politely.

"I'm actually heading to the store. If I don't get back home within fifteen minutes, my parents will get very angry with me." I stated, trying to reject her offer without coming off as rude.

"Come on. Your parents won't mind if you're a little late. I'm sure they would want you to join us too. Tiny seems to have already taken a liking to you. He normally doesn't wag his long tail at strangers. You know, they say animals are the best judge of characters. Well them and little kids." She laughed, still not giving up on this.

I sighed. "You don't know my parents. They are strict when it comes to being home on time. I've already lost five minutes." 

"Alright. Than it looks like we're accompanying you to the store. We could use some more food."

Figuring I wasn't going to win this ridiculous argument, I agreed. This caused a small squeal to escape the little girl I now know as Kelsey's mouth. It's quite ironic how their ginormous german shepherd is named Tiny. I mean, Tiny's feet are as big as my head. Well, not literally but close enough. Kelsey jumped up from sitting on the grass and took my hand in hers, dragging me with her. I didn't stop her because I find this quite amusing. Tiny was chasing after us, barking his huge head off. I just threw my head back in laughter, letting whatever happens happen. I haven't been able to feel this free since......well since forever and it is such an incredible feeling. I wish I could feel like this all of the time.

"So. What's your name? You seem like a very nice young lady." Kelsey's father asked, holding his wife close to his body like the world depended on it.

"Chloe Adams."

"Well it's nice to meet you Chloe. I'm Kevin O'Neil and this is my wife Jennifer. You've already met Kelsey and Tiny." He said, introducing his beautiful family.

"Nice to meet y'all. If you don't mind me asking, why are you being so nice? I'm just some stranger that just so happened to be walking by while you were in the park." I asked, curious about their answer.

"When I saw how Tiny's eyes lit up and how he started wagging his tail when you walked by, I knew you were a great person. I couldn't let the opportunity of getting to know a beautiful young lady like yourself pass by." Jennifer responded, smiling brightly.

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