Chapter 6

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"So are you going to ride the bus home or are you gonna be all exercisey and walk home?" Lindsey asked, putting her books back into her locker.

"I'm gonna ride the bus. I'm not really up for walking."

"Alright. I need to talk to you about Grayson."

I nodded my head and followed her to the bus line. School was pretty good today. I got an A on a big test in Advanced Topics Modeling and Mathematics. Actually, our whole class did. That's never happened before so to celebrate, we got to watch a movie and eat popcorn the whole class period. Let's just say, she is now everyone's favorite teacher.

Shortly after school ended, our bus arrived. We walked to the very back and took our usual seat. The guys that set behind us continuously kicked our seat to annoy us and it's working. Lindsey's rubbing her head to help aid her headache. Some guys can be so immature.

"Guys!! Can you please stop kicking our seat?? It's really rude and inconsiderate of you!" I shouted, turning around to face the rude boys.

"Nope. Not until your friend here agrees to go on a date with me." The little 7th grader stated, smirking at my creeped out best friend.

"No way in he** will I go on a date with you little pervert!! Just keep your hands and feet to yourself!!" She yelled, close to choking him.

"C'mon! You know you want this." He smirked, motioning to his unbuilt, chubby, little body.

"Never in a million years. Either leave my friend and I alone or I will get my brother on you."

"Ooo I'm so scared. Who is he? The captain of the chess team?" He laughed, fist bumping the amused boy next to him.

"No. He's the captain of the baseball team." She replied, smirking as his facial expression changed from amused to frightened.

He looked scared to death. "Y-Your brother is Calum Worthington?"

"Yeah he is so if you don't wanna end up with your face in the toilet and your underwear over your head, I suggest you quit kicking our seat and leave us the he** alone." She stated, pointing her long finger in their faces.

They just swallowed and nodded their head. That's right. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

The rest of the ride was very peaceful. Well, except for the fact that Lindsey couldn't stop talking about him. Sometimes, I just wanna tape her big mouth shut. Once the bus driver dropped her off, we started texting each other about random things. We were talking about anything from our favorite movie to our favorite pair of panties. Yeah, we're really close. A little too close if you ask me. She invited me to stay the night with her this weekend, but I had to say no. My parents would never allow me to go to someone else's house. Heck, if they found out I was even friends with Lindsey, they would beat me until I couldn't breathe anymore. They want me to be the most miserable person alive and guess what....

I feel like I am.


When I got to prison, a place that a lot of people like to call home, I done my daily chores. The toilet was scrubbed, the dishes were washed, the clothes were folded, and the trash was put out. Smiling from pure happiness, which only happens once in a blue moon, I set down on the lumpy couch in the living room. My abusers aren't home yet so I get to watch a little bit of t.v. They're apparently out buying some new clothes for themselves. That's what their note on the refrigerator said anyway. They told me to have the house spotless before they came home or else I won't get my dinner tonight. I flipped through the channels and finally decided on Zoey 101. It's an old show I used to watch back In Texas. This is the episode where Chase and Zoey first say they love each other. It's over video chat, but it's still very sweet and cute. They make the perfect couple. Chase is hot in my opinion. Not just because of his looks, but also because of his personality. He is really sweet and cares about all of his friends. Although he won't admit it, he cares about Logan too. Logan is very shallow and annoying. I don't see why any girl would want to date him. He would just break their heart into a million pieces then toss them to the side like some used tire. Just between you and I, I kind of want to be heart broken just to know what it feels like. I know that sounds idiotic on my part, but I want to be able to go through what normal people have to face. Everyone takes what I classify as normal for granted. Before I could even react, the door slammed open and two very pissed off parents stomped their way into the living room.

"You were right, Angie. She would disobey us when we're not around. What a little bi***!!!" My dad screamed, shoving me off of the couch.

"I know I was, Bill. You should have believed me from the beginning. Now you need to teach her a lesson!!" My mother yelled, giving my dad the okay to abuse me even though he doesn't need anyone's permission.

"Get your fat a** up and face me head on!!! You know better than to disobey us!!! You cannot watch t.v.!!!!! That is one of our many rules!!! You're gonna have to face your punishment now!!!!" He yelled, causing my face to whiten in fear. I couldn't move or speak. I was frozen in my spot.

I felt a hard punch hit my nose. Blood was dripping down my face, landing on the already stained floor.  A glass beer bottle hit the side of my head. I was seeing black dots everywhere. Next thing I knew, I was lying on the cold ground with a black eye and broken rib. My vision was blury and I was loosing a lot of blood. Not even a nanosecond later, I was passed out, holding on for dear life.

I woke up in my bed, holding on to my blanket. My pillow was covered in blood along with my clothes. I huddled up into a fetal position. My knees were blocking my face from the sunshine coming from my window. I felt a vibration from under my mattress. I have to hide my phone there so my parents won't find it. The number wasn't familiar. I wonder who this could be. I opened the message and felt a shock of confusion and happiness travel through my bruised body.

From: Unknown Number

'Everything's gonna be okay. Just keep your held high and don't lose hope.'

Who is this?

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