Chapter 17

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After I cleaned the house, I went back to my room. I wanna get all of the peace and quiet I can get before he returns. He should be here in thirty minutes or so. I don't know what he's gonna do to me, but I'm not gonna sit here and keep thinking about it. That's not gonna help anything. But what I do-or rather who- I keep thinking about is Hayden. There's something about the idiot that makes me want to be near him all of the time. When I was in his arms, I felt like a normal teenager for once. For that split second, I felt like I could be a writer, get away from my parents, and live a happy life. The fact that just the presence of him and one small touch can make me feel that way, it makes me want to distance myself away from him even more. I don't want him to get my hopes up and then it all come crashing down in the blink of an eye. He can't do that to me and I won't let him. No matter what it takes, I have to stay away from him. I can't let him in my life. I can't give him the chance to build me up just so he can bring me down. That's a risk I'm not and never will be willing to take. He has the power to destroy me. I'm like a concrete wall. My parents are slowly cracking me but just a few weeks with Hayden, he can demolish me into a million tiny pieces. I didn't know he had that over me until I was in his strong arms. I wish he didn't. I wish he would just forget about me and leave me alone. But I can tell Hayden isn't the type of guy to just give up and move on.

Lindsey text me a little after Hayden left telling me about the date her and Grayson are planning for this 'girl'. They decided on a romantic date with 'a twist' as she called it. He's gonna make it seem like an original first date but after he takes her to a fancy restaurant, he's gonna take her to the baseball field. It's gonna be lit up by old Christmas lights kept in the schools storage closet. Grayson said that the girl liked playing baseball so they're gonna play a game or two. Afterwards, Grayson's going to turn on the radio and speakers inside the announcers station so they can dance and have a little fun. She said there was more planned but she didn't feel like texting it all. I thought it was a really cute first date and Lindsey is going to love it. I wish I could be there to see the reaction on her face when he says the date is for her. I know she's gonna tell me all of the juicy details. Even the details I don't wanna know. She's the type of person that doesn't hold anything back. She speaks her mind and she trusts easily. Lindsey knows who to trust and who not to trust, though. Like with Grayson, as soon as she met him, she felt a strong bond and knew she could trust him. But when it came to me, she felt that I had some issues and by the looks of me, trust wasn't something she could find. I don't blame her. I pretended to be some bimbo just to make friends. I've become more talkative and social since I met Lindsey and she says I started dressing like a normal teenager but if I wasn't before, it's impossible for me to be now. I've worn the same clothes repeatedly for several years. Maybe the way I do my hair is different from when I styled it two years ago. I don't know but Lindsey has definitely had an affect on me; a good one at that. I was about to get my notebook and write but my phone vibrating stopped me.

From: A**hole

'Meet me at the park tomorrow morning before school. I'll be at the tree. No questions asked. Just do it.'

I don't understand why he's been wanting to meet up. So he can ask about my essays? Weird. He is so weird. I didn't reply. I just shoved my phone under my pillow and concentrated on the noise coming from the living room. From the sound of it, I believe my dad is home. Great. Just what I need. Might as well get this over with. I tiptoed to my door and slightly opened it. My dads deep voice vibrated throughout the house. I started walking to the living room. The closer I got, the more nerves started to build up. Oh please God help me.

"Chloe, get your a** over here!!!!!" My dad shouted, pointing to the empty spot next to him.

Following his orders, I stood by his side. He towered over me, sending daggers through my body. I could smell the awful alcohol he's been consuming for I'm guessing the past few hours. It was a strong horrible smell. To break the tense silence, my mother cleared her throat. My dad lowered his head and clenched his fists.

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