Chapter 26

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"Hayden q-quit!" I laughed, trying to push his hands away from me.

He thought it would be funny to tickle me. Let me tell you, I hate being tickled. Like hate it with every inch of my body. I may be laughing, but I'm in pain. Tickling hurts.

"No! Not until you call me sexy!" He argued, pulling me onto his lap.

"Never!" I shouted, laughing harder then ever before.

"If that's what you want." He smirked, tickling my feet.

He did not just go there.

"Fine! You're sexy Hayden Miller!" I yelled, giving in.

"Da** right I am." He smirked, letting me go.

I took deep breaths and glared at him. A**hole.

"You are such a jerk." I joked, laughing at his hurt expression.

"But you love me." He grinned, wrapping his arm around my waist.

I didn't reply. I couldn't. I'm afraid he might be right.

"Hey, are okay? Your face is so white." He asked, worry plastered onto his face.

"Y-Yeah. I'm fine."

"You sure?"


"Alright well I've gotta go. My mom is forcing me to go to this opening house thing with my sister." He sighed, standing up from the ground.

"Okay. See you later." I said, standing up along with him.

He gave me an adorable grin and kissed my cheek. It felt like his lips set my face on fire. Why can't he just grow some balls and kiss me already?

"Bye Adams." He smiled, walking off, disappearing into the distance.

We've been spending every chance of freedom with each other. It's Saturday so my parents are off getting drunk at some bar. This gave Hayden and I a few hours together. Sadly, he has to go to an open house with his sister. He said something about it being for foster children. I wasn't really listening. I couldn't focus on anything but his lips. I know. I sound like a sex craved teen but I'm not. I just realized that day at the park, I want him to kiss me. I want to feel his plump lips on mine. I wanna run my fingers through his soft hair. I'm really starting to fall for him. Not just like being tripped by his looks, but I've fallen for his caring personality, his huge heart, and his need to protect me. His looks are just a bonus to the package.

Since my parents aren't home, I decided to go inside and watch a little bit of t.v. They'll never find out. I flipped through the channels until I found a decent show to watch. It was a re-run of last nights episode of The Voice. I havn't seen many episodes, but from what I have seen, this is a great show. I clapped along with the audience after each contestant performed. They left their heart and soul out on that stage. There is no way I could perform in front of millions of people like that. Those people are so da** talented.

I heard loud voices yelling at each other in front of the house. That can only mean one thing.

My parents are home.

I quickly changed it back to the channel they left it on, turned off the t.v., and rushed outside. Trying my hardest not to make any noise, I slipped underneath my blanket and pretended to be asleep. Not even five minutes later, my dad was hovering over me.

"Get your lazy a** up and clean this da** yard!!! You're living like a freakin pig!!" He exclaimed, kicking my legs.

I could feel bruises starting to form. I stood up as fast as my body would allow and started picking up sticks and raking leaves. My dad was watching every move I made, yelling at me when I picked something up wrong. I just continued on with what I was doing, not responding to anything he said. After I thought the back yard was clean, I sat back down.

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