Chapter 33

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"So, how long did it take to set all of this up? Did your mom do it?" I asked, taking a bite out of a steak taco he made.

"Uh..No. I did it all. It took a few hours. Not too long." He stated, shrugging his shoulders like it was no big deal.


"Why what?" He asked, confused.

"Why would you spend all of your time setting this up and actually want to be around me? Why do you want me to be your girlfriend when there's so many beautiful girls out there begging for you to be with them. Why me?"

"Why you?" He asked, grinning at me. "Chloe, you're beautiful and amazing. It's not just your outward appearance that draws people to you. Your heart is so pure despite the trials and tribulations you've faced. You're so strong and I admire that. I admire the way you can smile even though you're breaking inside. Not just anyone can do that. I know I couldn't. When I went to juvie, I didn't try to hide my pain. I wore it around like nobodys business. When people asked questions, I ignored them and threatened to beat their faces in. You don't answer truthfully but you give them a kind smile and tell them not to worry. You have a strength that I wish I had. I'm proud of you and there is no one else in this world I can imagine spending my life with. You're it for me Chloe. I don't know if you feel the same but I'm willing to wait and find out. I don't care if it takes years and years. I'll be right there beside you, telling you lame jokes and comforting you when you need it."

I was blushing like crazy. My heart warmed at his words. I didn't know he felt that deeply about me. I honestly don't know if I feel the same. Love is so foreign to me. The feelings I have towards him are strong, no doubt, but I'm not sure what those feelings are. It's just a huge mixture of emotions. I can't possibly love him. We've just now started dating. How can I already be in love with him?

"Wow. That was....amazing Hayden and I hope I will eventually feel the same towards you but right now, I don't think I do."

His expression pained me. He looked so hurt and broken. I hate that I made him that way.

"I understand. There's no need to rush into this. Take all of the time you need."

I think he so badly wants his words to be true but I don't think he feels the way he says he does. He doesn't want to wait around for me to love him back and I can't make him.

"Hayden, I want to love you. I really do but I'm just now experiencing this kind of.....relationship we have and I don't know how I feel or what it feels like to be in love. We've only known each other for a few months and half of that time, I couldn't stand you. I just don't know what to think."

"I understand Chloe. I really like you and this is all new for you. Trust me, you'll know when you're in love. It's the best feeling and the worst feeling in the world. To know the person you love has your heart is both scary and magical at the same time. Being in love is like experiencing life for the first time. You're just now starting to live and you go on so many crazy adventures that bring you closer to the one you love. It's amazing." He smiled, looking at me with his big beautiful eyes.

It's like time froze. It was just me and him in this crazy world and all that mattered was being with each other. That was the best night of my life and when it ended, I hated going home without him, but I knew I had no choice in the matter. I have to go home and chain myself back up so my dad can beat me some more.


"So you're the big one eight now huh? You think that changes anything? Well, it doesn't. I'm still gonna punish you for the problems you've caused in this da** house!! I hate you. Your mom hates you. All you are is a huge problem!! A worthelss, trashy, ugly, problem!!!" He exclaimed, punching me in the stomach.

My breath left me, leaving me gasping for air. He had that same depraved look he had in his eyes last night and I know if he repeats the damage he caused, I won't be lucky enough to wake up in the morning. Hopefully he doesn't take it that far tonight.

His face was rigid, staring at me with an unreadable expression. I was sitting under his discomforting glare just waiting on him to make his next move. He was bringing his arm back, preparing to strike but was thankfully interrupted by my mother calling him into the house. I shifted in my seat, trying to get a bit more comfortable. A few minutes later, both of my parents came out. My mom was emotionless while my dad looked as if he was planning my murder. It was a very unnerving feeling that I couldn't just brush off like usual. He didn't even utter one single word while he unchained me. My mom must have had something to do with this. Although my abusive father has a great power over both my mother and I, he also has a weakness; the seductive nature of my mom. All she had to was promise a long night of....copulation and he would do anything for her. I believe that's the only thing holding him back from abusing her too, which he gets rough with her. She's walked into the living room on several occasions crying in the nude. I was "asleep" of course, so she never did and still doesn't know the extent of my knowledge on her and my fathers sex life. I hate when people are sexually abused. In my opinion, it's worse than to be beaten. The emotional toll is much deeper when you're raped, at least it would be to me.

"You have one more week until you can come back in the house and your father and I go on vacation. Since graduation is in two days, I expect you to be thanking us for letting you graduate. We could have taken you out of school and let you live your miserable, pathetic life without an education. As a way of saying thank you, you will clean the inside and outside of our house spotless, go to the grocery store and buy food to last a week, and pick up your dad some beer. We made you a fake ID. Don't do anything you're not supposed to. You have until graduation to finish all of this. You can only work after school so don't take your sweet little time. Your father and I will be at the bar, out of your way. You start tomorrow afternoon. Here's the ID and soup." My mother stated, handing me the items.

Just one week until I get half a month without them being around. Half a month with Hayden. Half a month to figure out what I'm going to do. Half a month to figure out my feelings. Time needs to move fast. I don't how much longer I will last.

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