Chapter 27

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"No Grayson. The fight was all your fault. Quit blaming everyone else." I stated, defending Hayden.

"It's your fault Chloe! I told you to stay away from him and you didn't listen!! Now look at what you did! I have a broken jaw and my dad took away my truck!!!" He yelled, waving his hands all over the place.

"I didn't force you to get in a fight with him! That was your decision!! You were the one that started the da** fight!! Hayden just beat the sh** out of you!!" I shouted, annoyed with him.

"He didn't beat the sh** out of me. It was an even fight! I'm serious Chloe, stay the he** away from him." He ordered, staring at me with a hurt expression.

"You can't tell me what to do. I don't know what went on between you two but Hayden is a great guy. No matter what you say or do, I'm not gonna stop seeing him. The past is the past. I'm only focusing on the future. Now if you would excuse me, I have an outfit to try on." I stated, walking into a spacious changing room.

The walls were a calming blue and the floor was in a black and white checkered pattern. There was small hooks on the door to hang the clothes on while you're changing. I quickly stripped out of my worn out jeans and AC/DC t-shirt. Lindsey gave me a a pair of soft, warm, black leggings and a mid thigh length, thin, white sweater. She also gave me a pair of black knee high UGGS. It's not really my style but I decided to try it on for her. After slipping on the boots, I turned around and faced the mirror. My reflection shocked me. The leggings and sweater brung out every curve in my body and that's hard to do when I don't really have any curves. I didn't think I would, but I absolutely love this outfit. Smiling, I stepped out of the changing room and Lindseys face was priceless. She was grinning so wide I'm surprised her mouth didn't fall off.

"Wow. You look amazing Chloe. Like seriously." She said, looking at me in awe.

"Thanks." I replied, turning my attention to Calum and Grayson.

They were both staring at me with wide eyes and a dropped jaw. It was kind of funny to see.

"Yeah...Y-You look good Chloe." Calum agreed, Grayson nodding his head in agreement also.

"Thanks guys but I don't know if I wanna get it or not. It's a little expensive."

"I'm paying for it so I say yes, you are getting this outfit and I think you should wear it to Haydens." She smirked, winking at me.

I blushed and looked at the ground, picturing Haydens beautiful smile.

"What?!? You're going to Haydens? What the he** Chloe?!?" Grayson exclaimed, clenching his fists.

"You know what Grayson, I don't give a da** about your opinion. This is my life and I choose to have him in it. I know you two don't like each other but for my sake, will you please push whatever happened to the side and try to get along?"

He was silent for the longest amount of time before he slowly nodded his head and gave me a small smile. I smiled back and thanked him. Finally, some peace for once.

I ended up buying several outfits I never saw myself wearing. Lindsey told me to get out of my 'comfort zone' and it actually paid off. We're on our way to the hair salon so Lindsey and I can get our hair and makeup done. Apparently, I have horrible split ends and I need a style that fits me better. I'm not into all of that girly stuff but I figured I would give it a try. My parents never pay attention to my hair since I'm living outside now and I'll just wash off the makeup before I leave Haydens. While we're getting pampered, Calum and Grayson are going to pick us up some food from Sonic. I've never eaten from there before so I'm kind of nervous about what their food taste like.

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