Chapter 24

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It's been a few days since the incident and luckily, the man working for my dad doesn't remember a thing. Hayden said it's a powerful drug that gang leaders and drug distributors normally use after they've interrogated someone or hurt them. Curious like always, I asked how in the he** he knew where to get one of those things and he just shrugged his shoulders and said 'he knew a guy'. I didn't question him about it any further because I knew he didn't want to discuss it. When my parents came home, of course my dad gave me a few beatings. I'm so used to it by now it doesn't even bother me. It should, but it doesn't.

Hayden and I have been texting a lot here lately and we talk every now and then at school. I'm trying this new thing where I don't push him away. It's very difficult but I've realized I want him in my life. It's very selfish of me though because just by knowing him, I'm putting his life at risk. He says he doesn't care but I know he does. He's terrified. I can see it in his eyes. I explained to Lindsey that he and I are friends and she got mad. Apparently, Grayson has told her a lot of stuff about him, none of them being good. What Hayden has done in his past is none of my business. As long as it doesn't affect the present and the future, I'm okay with not knowing what happened. At least I think I am. I've been debating with myself back and forth on whether I should ask him about it or not. So far, the side of leaving it alone is winning. It's probably for the best.

With just a week and a half away from graduation, I've been trying my hardest to come up with a speech, since I'm the valedictorian and all. Which I still don't understand how it happened. I make good grades but I'm not in any extracurricular activities and I'm not going to college. My guidance counselor applied to a few colleges and scholarships for me. When she told me about it, I freaked out. I knew if my parents found out, I would more than likely be beatin or killed. Neither of them being very appealing. But luckily, this time she decided not to call my parents. I thanked her and gave her a huge hug. I know I'll never be able to go to college, but knowing I'm accepted is a big deal for me.

It's currently the period before lunch and I'm impatiently tapping my pencil on the desk. Hayden is supposed to be eating lunch with us today. I havn't told him that Grayson and Calum are going to be eatin with us too. I knew if I did, he wouldn't come. For all he knows, it's just gonna be us and Lindsey. I'm hoping that they won't cause a scene but they probably will. I mean, c'mon, it's the bad boy in school and then the two players of the school. There's gonna be a scene. I keep looking at the clock, waiting on it to strike 11:30. Just 1 more minute Chloe. You can do this. While we were waiting, our teacher handed us a sheet of paper with our end of the school year assignment. I carefully read over the instructions.

This is your last and final grade. You will be graded on every little detail so try your hardest. You are to write a five page essay about what your plans are for the future and how this high school has influenced your life. Use appropriate language and use your time wisely. This will be due in four days. Good luck!

Great. Now I have to make up a huge lie about my future. Stupid teacher. As soon as she was done handing out the papers, the bell rang. I jumped up from my seat and ran out of the door, straight to the cafeteria. I eased my way through the crowded hallways, pushing a few freshmen out of my way. Once I made it to the cafeteria, I slowed down my pace. I searched for the familiar faces and found them near the front of the lunch line. Earning a few death glares and curse words, I cut in line so I could grab my food with them. I tapped on Lindsey's shoulder, scaring the sh** out of her.

"Don't do that! You know I hate being scared!" She yelled, playfully hitting my arm.

"My bad." I laughed, raising my hands in surrender.

"So is Hayden still sitting with us today?" She asked, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah. You didn't tell Grayson or Calum right?"

"No. I wanted to so bad but I knew if I did, your little boyfriend wouldn't come."

"He's not my boyfriend Lindsey. We're just friends and that's how it's always gonna be. You should be happy that I found another friend." I stated, grabbing my lunch tray.

"I am but I just know he's nothin but trouble. He'll end up bringing you down with him and you deserve better than that."

"You don't know what he's like now. I don't care who he was in his past. All I care about is the person he is today. He's not bad Lindsey. You just need to give him a chance."

"I'm not the one you need to worry about. The second Grayson sees him, you better get ready for a fight." She stated, taking a seat at our table.

I sighed and set down beside her. I took a bite of my apple, nervous about Hayden eating with us.

About five minutes later, Hayden arrived. He gave me an adorable smirk and pulled out the chair next to me. Lindsey was talking to me but when Hayden came, she immediately quit. I laughed at his attempt to throw a grape in his mouth. He just grinned at me and continued to try, failing each time. A few minutes later, Grayson and Calum came. Here we go.

"Hey Chloe, what are you going to wr-" Grayson asked before he realized who was sitting next to me.

Calum turned his attention to what Grayson was glaring at and his eyes widened. Lindsey just ate in silence.

"What the f*ck are you doing here?!?" Grayson exclaimed, slamming his hands onto the table.

I've never heard him curse like that before. Sh** just got real.

"I'm eating with my friend. What does it look like?" Hayden asked, putting his arm around me.

I was too shocked to push his arm off. Grayson just said the F bomb. Wow.

"You're not invited here. Just leave." Grayson growled, clenching his fists.

"Adams here invited me. Where's your manners at Grayson? You're supposed to treat your company with respect." Hayden smirked, leaning back in his seat.

"Why in the he** would you invite him over here Chloe?? He's an a**hole!" Grayson said, staring at me.

"Because he's my friend Grayson. Deal with it." I stated, glancing at Calum.

He was just standing there, being as quiet as Lindsey. They're chickens.

"I told you to stay away from him. You should've listened to me." Grayson said, glaring at Hayden.

"You're not her da** boss! She can make her own da** decisions!" Hayden yelled, standing up.

"You're just gonna screw her over like you did Mike!! You're nothin but a f*ckin headache!!" Grayson exclaimed, walking closer to Hayden.

"Mike screwed me over!! He's the reason I'm stuck in this da** program!!"

"You're in that program because your mom thinks you're a f*ck up!! You're in that program because your mom wants to get away from you!! No one wants you around!!!!" Grayson yelled, face to face with Hayden.

I didn't even get to blink before Hayden punched Grayson in the face, sending him straight to the ground. Hayden was punching him with all of his might. I just stood there, not knowing what to do. Grayson finally got up and slammed Haydens head into a table. I screamed at them to stop but they weren't listening. Haydens eyes grew cold, losing any bit of heart he had. He kicked Grayson in the balls and punched him in the face, breaking his jaw. I could hear bones breaking as the fight went on. Calum was trying to get Grayson off of Hayden but it wasn't working. Lindsey and I were just yelling at them. Not soon enough, a teacher came over and broke them up. Well a few teachers did. Grayson and Hayden were too strong for just one teacher to pull them apart. Everyone was crowded around in a circle, recording the fight with their phones. They're so immature.

Haydens past isn't staying in his past. It's becoming a problem. Only one question was running around in my thoughts.

What did Mike do to ruin Haydens life?

(A/N So what do you think went down with Mike? Leave your answer in the comments! Thank you so much for reading! Love you! :D)

P.S. The Text doesn't have many chapters left. It'll only have about thirty or so chapters. I have another book I'm writing but I'm not done with it yet so it'll be a while before I publish it on Wattpad. But in the mean time, if you havn't read my book The Players BestFriend, you should check it out! It's just about a thousand away from 10K reads!! :D

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